Part 18

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holy Mother of God...

Literally dead

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Literally dead


You smile back up at Connor. "See you on Friday."

You throw your shoes on and step outside, Hank is already in the car. It's not raining anymore but it's still cold. The freezing, almost spicy air pinches your nose as you run through the cold and open the passenger door before sitting next to Hank as he starts the car. Connor stands in the doorway and waves as you drive away. You wave back, unsure if he can see you or not.

When he's out of sight, it's just you and Hank. The air is thick and tense and awkward.

Hank clears his throat. "I ah... I'm sorry for that back there." Hank says.

"Oh it's fine, I shouldn't have gotten in your bed it was a little creepy," You admit with an embarrassed blush.

It's quiet for a moment. You weren't expecting him to say 'Oh no it's not creepy at all!' But after the silence which followed, you decide that it would've been nice if he did. But he didn't.

"What's with this guy at your house then? Old friend?" Hank inquires, changing the subject.

You sigh. There's a lot to Sid's story. The whole Oskar and Ruby situation is just one factor as to why you cut all ties to Sid.

You look out of the window and see a tree go past. It's leaves are swaying sickly in the wind as if the tree was on a boat. Another flashback strikes you like a flash of lighting.

You were walking somewhere with Sid and Oskar. It was warm so you were all wearing shorts and summer clothes.

God I love it when you wear those shorts

Sid heckled and then landed a hard, crisp slap on your butt. You yipped in response. He did stuff like that all the time.

You turn to face the front again and clear your throat. "Sid used to be a good friend of mine and Oskar's. But he wasn't the greatest person. He bullied Oskar in the past, tried to get us to do drugs, slept with Oskars girlfriend and constantly harassed me."

"So you decided that you didn't want to be his buddy anymore?"

You nod. "And now since I'm not talking to Oskar, Sid somehow found out and it ticked him off."

"Why aren't you talking to Oskar again?" Hank asks.

"We'll it's his dad. He's a horrible person." You explain with a shrug.

"That doesn't mean Oskar has to be." Hank says. "These guys are very fucking secretive and know what their shit. There's a chance Oskar really didn't know about his dad."

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