Part 14

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"Goodnight Y/N..." He whispers to the moon, his head filled with thoughts of you.

*knock knock knock*

You groan as you open your eyes tiredly. Someone's knocking on your door. Rolling over, you grab your phone from the bedside table to look at the time. 11:04. It isn't unusual for you to get up this late. You don't have a job, all the money you get is your weekly allowance from your parents which is more than enough so you're not under pressure to find a job.

Yawning tiredly, you roll out of bed and start walking out of your room, still in your pyjamas, down the stairs to answer the door. You rub your eyes and hope that you don't look like too much of a mess, though you're too tired to give a damn.

You unlock the door and open it. You're greeted by a familiar face. You feel your soul glow.


"Hi Y/N." He says with a smile.

You resist the urge to jump up onto him and wrap your arms and legs around him in the world's tightest hug and instead beam up at him happily.

"What are you doing here?" You ask, trying not to sound overly happy.

"I wanted to see you." He smiles

You let him in and Connor sighs as he looks at the still only half painted wall of the halls.

"What's it like being back home?" You ask, walking into your living room.

"It's sad." Connor answers.

You look at him with a curious expression. "Sad? Why?"

Connor looks around. "Because I miss you." He answers honestly.

Cupid arrow right in your heart. Bam.

"I missed you too Connor. " You say with a smile in his direction.

As you both sit on the couch, you allow yourself to take a happy breath, forgetting how lonely you felt last night.

"You look tired Y/N." Connor remarks. "How much sleep did you get last night?"

You scoot up next to him. "I don't know really. I remember staring at the back of my eyelids for hours before sleeping so probably not a lot."

"Why?" Connor asks as if he's a small, curious child.

"Well... I was sad." You mumble.

"Sad? Why?" Connor mirrors your speech from earlier.

"Because I was lonely. Without you I mean." You say.

Connors LED turns yellow for a moment. He's thinking. "You could stay with me and Hank if you're feeling lonely?" Connor suggests.

You smile at the ground bashfully before looking up at Connor. "Thanks but I don't think Hank would appreciate me staying in his house."

Connor doesn't respond.

"Have you spoken to Oskar at all recently? Has he told you that Hank has paid off the debt with his dad?" Connor asks.

"No..." You answer honestly. "So that's it? Patrick doesn't have beef with Hank anymore? Just like that?" You say, surprised at how quickly Patrick went from acquaintance to enemy then back to acquaintance.

"That's it." Connor says. "If you don't mind my asking, why won't you talk to Oskar?"

You think for a minute. "Well because his dad is evil."

"But that's his dad, not him. You said yourself that he's the nicest person you know." Connor says.

You sigh. He's right.

"I was talking to lieutenant about you recently."

You feel something in your stomach for a moment. Hearing Connor say he was even thinking about you is enough to give you nervous butterflies.

"You were? About what?" You ask.

Connor doesn't answer straight away. Hes quiet for a moment. "Hank suggested I take you out somewhere."

Instantly, you're filled with questions. Where? Why? When? You decide to go with the why.

"Really? How come?"

Connor, again, is quiet.

"I think it'll be enjoyable, that's all." Connor says with a small smile.

"When?" You ask.

"How about friday night? I'll come here at 7:30." Connor suggests.

You don't even have to think about it. You know you're not doing anything on Friday, even if it is three days away.

"Sure. But where?"

Connor smiles. "That would be telling."

"That's the idea." You chuckle.

"It's a secret Y/N." Connor says.

You roll your eyes with a smile. "Okay okay."

"Well I should be going now. I'll see you on Friday." Connor smiles

"I'll see you out." You say, standing up.

Connor stands up and you walk with him to the front door.

"I'll see you on Friday." You say, looking up at the Android with a smile.

Then he does something you didn't think he would. He pulls you in for a hug. And you hug him back.

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