Part 03

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Then there's a knock at the door.

"Oskar's here."

You walk through the unpainted hallway (You still haven't had time to paint it) and you answer the door to which you're greeted by a tall, blond-haired boy with murky blue eyes and a birthmark which covers half his face. There is a big fluffy dog by his side, wagging his curly tail happily.

"Hey, buddy!" You say cheerfully as you bend down and pet the dog playfully. The dog becomes more excited as you do this and so do you. It's an endless cycle of dogs and excitement.

"Wow, thanks. I'm here too!" The boy says to you.

"I know I know, hello Oskar." You say with a smile and a warm hug. Connors LED turns yellow for a second before you let Oskar and Felix in.

Oskar stops as he sees Connor stood in the hallway.

"Oh wow, I didn't know you had an android Y/N!" Oskar says in shock as he approaches Connor. "What happened to his shirt?" He asks, turning to you and jerking his thumb towards the holes and stains in his shirt.

"I found him by the river all shot up so I fixed him." You shrug.

Oskar turns back to Connor.

"Hi, my name is Connor," Connor says to the taller boy. Oskar is almost 7 feet tall. He's the biggest person you know and towers over you and Connor. But honestly, he's the sweetest person in the world and couldn't hurt a fly, even if he tried (which he wouldn't).

"I'm Oskar." Oskar smiles.

"Nice to meet you Oskar," Connor replies. "May I pet your dog?"

"Go ahead." Oskar smiles, gesturing towards Felix.

Connor squats down in front of the dog and ruffles its fur. The dog takes an instant liking towards Connor and his tail wags happily as the android plays with him.

"Who's a fluffy boy?" Connor asks the dog in a playful way. Felix responds with a happy yip. "That's right! You're a fluffy boy!"

Connor really does like dogs. He looks more human now than ever.

"You said he was shot up...?" Oskar asks after smiling at how happy Connor and Felix are.

"Yeah, and when I rebooted him, he didn't remember a thing... it's like someone tried to erase him." You explain.

"That's really creepy the way you said that." Oskar laughs. "I have a few spare shirts at my house which he could borrow? They might be a bit big but maybe I can find one from when I was small?"

"Where you ever small?" You ask with a chuckle.

"Valid point," Oskar replies.

Connor stands back up and turns to the tall boy. "Perhaps we could take Felix on a walk to your home?"

Oskar smiles. "You seem to have taken a warming to Felix. And he seems to like you too."

"I like dogs," Connor replies simply.

You, Connor, Felix, and Oskar begin to walk to Oskar's home. Felix is a well-behaved dog so he doesn't need a leash but instead walks obediently beside Oskar.

The sun is warm against your skin as you breathe in the sunlight. There are people talking and children playing in the streets. Cars and buses drive by and the sounds of ads scattered around the city fill the air. Ads for androids, in particular, are everywhere. Detroit, what a city.

You all walk through the streets and past a small skatepark. There are a few people there on their boards and one of them has an android. He's showing his android off to his friends which are gathered around it in awe.

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