Part 17

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I'm so so so sorry for the break I've had. I'm a terrible author ik I'm sorry. But I'm back hopefully maybe possibly yeah.

This part's gonna be longer to compenstate.

I've been on holiday and there was no WiFi so rip

If you wanna know more about it then read my "Dear Wattpad" Public diary thing. It's lit 🔥


"Y/N! Come on let's talk!" Sid's voice slowly fades away as you walk out of your back garden and start making your way to Hank's house.

A drop of rain lands on your hood, patting your head. Then another. Then another. You stuff your hands into the pockets of your hoodie and pick up pace as a quiet crash of thunder rings out in the distance and the rain picks up pace.

Hank's house isn't too far away, you should be there soon.

You approach the lake. Or is it a river? You can't tell. The lake (Or river) where you found Connor. Your eyes are drawn to the bank where Connor was laid, shot up and broken. The water dances under the droplets. You remember rebooting the mysterious android and accidentally erasing his memory.

The rain still pouring, you walk towards the bank where he was and stand in the exact spot he laid. You look down into the murky water, your reflection distorts and twists as the rain causes waves in it. You sigh and then walk towards the bridge, walking over it and speed walking the rest of the way to Hanks home.

You see the house dead ahead and walk towards it. You're soaked. You don't know what time it is. Perhaps you should have stayed home? Maybe he's sleeping.

You ignore your inner monologue and walk up to the door before landing a knock on it. Nobody answers. You knock again. You wait for a moment and then hear a key turning in the door. It opens and you look up to meet your eyes with a pair of brown ones. Connor.

"Y/N?" Connor asks in disbelief.

"Hi Connor." You say, shaking slightly.

"What are you doing here? It's 12:50, it's raining." Connor says, as if the rain wasn't soaking you.

You just look up at him, hugging your arms to your chest at a desperate last attempt to not freeze to death. Connor opens the door and gestures for you to enter. You do.

The house is cold, but not as cold as outside. Heavy snoring is coming from the living room. Must be Hank.

"What are you doing here?" Connor asks again. You take a deep breath, just wanting to forget it.

"This guy is at my house kicking off so I came here to get away from him..." You tell the Android.

Connor looks at you with concern. "What? Are you okay?"

"Of course! Yeah, yeah I'm fine." You say. "Just cold."

"Would you like me to go and check on your home?" Connor offers.

Sid is extremely anti-android. If he is still there, seeing Connor would only make it worse. You shake your head in response to Connors question.

Lazily, Sumo waddles up to you from the living room and barks once. You smile, squatting down in front of him and ruffling his ears. Sumo's tale wags happily and Connor smiles as he looks down at you.

"Would you like to stay here for the night? Lieutenant is on the couch, you can take his bed." Connor offers.

As much as you'd hate sleeping in another man's bed, when you open your mouth to politely decline, an exhausted yawn makes its way out, answering Connors question.

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