Part 07

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Detroit falls silent for a moment as you both stand there, waist deep in cold, dirty water.

"Connor..." You say breathlessly. "What's going on?"

You're cold. The two of you are standing under the bridge, half submerged in the freezing water. You shiver rapidly while holding your arms close to your chest.

"You're cold. Here-" Connor takes off his jacket and hands it to you.

Angrily, you bat it out his hands and it falls into the water. "I don't want your fucking jacket! I want to know why my best friends dad just shot at me. Who is Hank?"

Connor bends down to pick the jacket up but doesn't put it back on. "I remembered something again. I remember everything.  Who I am, where I'm from, what my purpose is..."

You wait for him to tell you.

"My name is Connor. I'm an android which belongs to Cyberlife. I was sent to help solve the deviancy case a while back but when the new law came out saying androids werent allowed to work in law enforcement, I stayed with my partner, Hank." Connor explains. "Hank had some... issues. He was into illegal gambling and he owed a lot of people a lot of money. They came for Hank but found me instead."

You gulp. "Are you saying that this Hank owes Patrick money? And he's still looking for him?"

Patrick had always been a dodgy character which you didn't know a lot about, but you didn't think he did illegal things.

"Potentially." Connor responds. "I need to find Hank, he could be in danger!"

You notice that his LED is red, flashing yellow. He looks... scared. The most human he had ever looked. It shakes you to the core. He thinks for a moment.

"I'm going to look for him. I need to help him." Connor says.

You think for a moment too. Does this mean that Connor has to leave? Your heart skips a beat. Quickly, looking for a reason to keep him around, you say something crazy. "I'll help you."

Connor looks at you with surprise. Or as much surprise as a machine can manage.

"It could be dangerous... I don't want you to be dragged into all of this."

"I don't care. I want to help." You say.

"Okay. We should go to Hanks house and see if he's there. He most likely won't be but we could find some clues which could help is figure out where he went." Connor tells you.

You nod.

Connor wades through the water again and you follow him. The two of you stand there for a moment. You're shivering with cold and Connors jacket is wet now so it wouldn't do much.

"Why did we have to go into the water?" You ask as you both begin to walk.

"So he wouldn't find us." Connor says simply.

You hug your arms close to your chest and carry on walking. Surprisingly, Hank doesn't live that far away from the river and you got there in a pretty short amount of time.

The two of you stand in front of the house and you take a deep breath. Connor tries the handle and, surprisingly, the door is unlocked. In fact, it was open.

You follow Connor into the house and take a deep breath. The house feels empty. You can already tell nobody is here.

"Lieutenant Anderson?" Connor says out loud as he walks through the house. "Sumo?"

Due to lack of any type of response, it's obvious that this house is empty.

Connor starts to look around to find any leads. You're still shivering. As you walk into the kitchen, you see a wooden table in the middle and a coat thrown over the back of one of the chairs.

"Hey Connor? Do you think Hank would mind if I borrowed his coat?" You ask.

"Go ahead." Connor says. You take the coat off of the chair and slide it over your arms. It's too big for you, obviously, but it's warm.

There's a laptop in the middle of the table and with curiosity, you open it up. It's locked.

"I found a laptop. Maybe this could tell us where he went?" You say to Connor.

Connor walks into the kitchen and takes a look at the laptop. It's an old laptop, none of the new technology. Therefore, it's very easy to hack into.

Connor puts a hand on the screen and it bugs out for a second before logging on as Hank.

Displayed on the screen is a train website. A train ticket to Memphis had just been ordered.

"Memphis? Why would Hank go all the way to Memphis?" Connor thinks out loud.

You look at the ticket details. The train arrived there yesterday. Hank's already there.

"We could go there and look for him?" You suggest.

Connor nods. You order the tickets and Connor pays for them.

So this is it. You're going to Memphis.

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