Part 20

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Quick question;
Do y'all prefer the longer parts or the shorter ones?


"Sure yeah." You smile "Bye Ruby."

It's finally Friday. The day Connor's taking you out. Yesterday when you went shopping, you decided to buy a pair of high waisted black jeans and a cropped hoodie. Casual, yes. After seeing all the fancy cocktail dresses and fancy party outfits, you instantly decided that casual was the way to go as a way of saving money. A lot of money.

You're currently sat on your bed staring at the clothes laid out in front of you. You take a shaky, nervous breath and begin to get changed. The nerves of tonight are beginning to creep up on you. You don't even remember what time Connor is supposed to be coming but it's 6:30 now.

When you're changed you brush through your hair and decide to wear it loosely over your shoulders. Then you put on some makeup but decide to go for a natural look.

At Hank's house, Connor is calm and collected. He's wearing his everyday RK800 jacket and bottoms since he has no other clothes. Hank is sat on the couch again, watching some generic show.

"Lieutenant Anderson."

Hank jumps with fright and turns to face Connor. "Jesus Connor you nearly gave me a fucking heart attack." He breathes.

"Lieutenant I need a favour." Connor says.

"What is it?" Hank grumbles.

"I need to borrow your pickup truck."

Hank raises a silver eyebrow at the android. "Why the hell do you need my truck?"

"I want to take Y/N out in it." Connor explains.

Hank turns his full attention to Connor now. "Oh yeah the date." He looks Connor up and down. "You're wearing that?"

"They're the only clothes I have lieutenant." Connor answers.

Hank rolls his eyes. "Okay."

He turns his attention back to the television then tosses the keys for his truck to Connor who (of course) catches them.

"I want it back without a scratch. Go get 'em tiger."

"Thank you Lieutenant." Connor turns to walk away.

"Connor?" Hank doesn't turn away from the television.

"Yes Lieutenant?" He stops in his tracks and turns to face Hank who is still facing the television.

"Look after her." Hank tells him.

"I will." Connor answers. "Goodbye."

"See ya."

Connor steps out then gets into the car and starts it.

You're waiting downstairs in the living room for Connor. It's 7:28.

You spray yourself with perfume and put on a pair of converses, comfy, generic but good looking enough.

As soon as the clock turns 7:30, there's a knock on the door as if like clockwork. You jump up with both excitement and nerves then go to answer the door. Connor greets you with a sweet smile on his face and a hand behind his back.

"Connor." You breathe.

"Y/N... You look beautiful." Connor says. "I got you something."

He takes his hand from behind his back and on his palm is a small plushie monkey.

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