Chapter One: Empty Bedsheets

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(Violet's POV)

                My body is sore, aching from last night's pleasures

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My body is sore, aching from last night's pleasures. My eyes crack open lazily, seeing the sun peaking out from the curtains. I move my hand to the other side of the bed, expecting to feel a warm body next to me. But all I feel is a cold, empty space. I sit up immediately, looking at the empty spot. There are wrinkles in the bedsheets where Steve had laid the night before. He must have left on a mission with the Avengers again. I worry about all of them while they're gone, I know they can all take care of themselves but I still worry.
I stand up and walk to the bathroom, turning on the faucet. My brown eyes have bags underneath them, probably from last nights raging demons waking me from my sleep. They're dark and haunting, reruns of me losing everyone I love until I'm swallowed into this black hole and it's too far to reach up. It's like when Alice fell down the rabbit hole. Once you were down the rabbit hole, you go mad as the hatter. Great thing to think about in the morning, going mad as the hatter. Oh what joy it would be, huh? I can't help but smirk at my own sarcasm. I get it from my father.
Yesterday at school, the professor had us present our projects over our family tree and where we came from. It's kind of hard to trace your family's history when you have a dead mother and your father is a famous superhero. I can't even walk outside the tower without being bombarded by paparazzi or fans wanting to know about my father Tony Stark. It may sound exciting and fun to be in the spot light like that, but it drives me crazy. Thank god nobody really knows I'm dating Steve. Besides the Avengers and Pepper, of course. My father, Tony Stark, the oh-so-famous Ironman, moved all of the Avengers into his tower. When he found out about me, Tony made up a room for me too. the Avengers are kind of like my family. Clint and Natasha are kind of like my brother and sister, Bruce is like my uncle, Thor is my best friend, and Steve is my boo. Then there is papa Tony, ready to kick some ass whenever he feels the need to.
I walk inside my bedroom, seeing how someone had cleaned it up since I had been I here. Pepper probably hired somebody to clean it all up. I wonder through my closet, trying to find something comfortable. I can't help but wonder what the temperature is outside.
"Hey, Jarvis! What's the temperature outside today going to be?" I look up at the ceiling, wondering if Jarvis can see me.
"The highs today, Miss Stark, is going to be 54 degrees outside. Best wear something warm." He answers me.
"Alright, thank you Jarvis." I call, searching through my closet.
"You're very welcome, Miss Stark." Then Jarvis is out, "Call for me if you need me."
I grab a dark grey hoodie with skinny jeans. Along with my matching black underwear. I go into the bathroom and strip down, making sure to close the door. Stepping into the shower, I let the lukewarm water fall down my body. It feels so amazing, I wish Steve was here with me. He usually rubs circles on my back as I try to recover from my nightmares. Something I can't even share with him. Tony got me a therapist but she's no help. All she is concerned about is how I'm doing living with my dad and his superhero colleagues. So annoying, right?
                  After I'm all patted down dry, I get dressed and blow dry my hair. I'm feeling pretty lazy today, so I grab the red scrunchie on my nightstand, pulling my hair up into a messy but cute ponytail.
                    "Hey Jarvis, can you inform the cook that I want some chocolate chip pancakes and apple juice for breakfast?" I say, "I've got a hankering for some chocolate chip pancakes again."
                  "Yes, Miss Stark, I will inform the cook now. Will that be all?" Jarvis asks.
                  "What time is it?" I'm so lazy, can't even look at my own phone for the time.
                  "It is 10:38 a.m. Saturday, the 23rd of October." Jarvis responds, "Just 5 more days until your 21st birthday Miss Stark."
                  I smile at the mirror, wishing Jarvis had a human form.
                 "Thank you for the reminder Jarvis, I enjoy our talks." I say happily, going into my closet.
                 "As do I, Miss Stark." Then he's gone.
                 I walk out of the closet with my high top converse and fuzzy socks. My feet are like ice! I slip my fuzzy Ironman logo socks on and then my high top converse, skipping to the elevator. I go down to the kitchen, hoping the Avengers went down there for chocolate chip pancakes and apple juice, like I am. But all I see is empty chairs. Loneliness takes over me, making me want to cry.
                    I sit at the bar table, wishing I had some company. Life gets pretty lonely when your boyfriend is a superhero. And on top of that, your boyfriend works with your dad and all your friends to help save the world. It's a lonely life. But not completely horrible. I have the whole building to myself until they get back. Or until Pepper or Happy shows up, which I would love right now.

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