Chapter 20: Cap's Intuition

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(Reader's POV)

                     Steve sets Violet down on the mat, brushing the loose hairs out of her small face

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                     Steve sets Violet down on the mat, brushing the loose hairs out of her small face. She had fallen asleep on his chest and his leg was going numb. The super solider walks over to where Bruce and Tony are sitting. Tony is looking through his layout map of Stark Tower and Bruce is reading a book over human recovery.
                   Steve had seen something while Tony and Violet talked the day before. He was walking through a hallway and heard a weird noise. He had walked towards the noise to a room. He had only peeped his head in just enough to see a huge room full of screen monitors. He had seen a glimpse of a video replaying over and over, a girl on an operating table. But a nurse had caught him and escorted him out of that area of the hospital. The image of the girl on the operating table has not left his mind.
                   "Am I the only one who feels like something wasn't quite right about that place? Or is it just me?" Steve says in a more quiet tone, trying to be quiet for Violet.
                  "Yeah, I did." Bruce looks up form his book, "How the hell did Stark Jr. heal that quickly? Something isn't right."
                  "You two are being paranoid." Tony doesn't look up from his map layout, "There was nothing wrong with that hospital. Just that they served Via a shitty dinner."
               Steve sits down, shaking his head. "I was walking around, wasting time, when I came across this room with multiple screens. I saw a girl on an operating table on one, they were doing something with her."
               "What were they doing?" Bruce says curiously.
              "I don't know, a nurse rushed me out before I could see anything else. He sure didn't want me in that part of the hospital." The super solider says, "After that, I noticed the staff kept a close eye on me."
                 "Like I said, Cap." Tony looks up from his map, an annoyed expression on his face. "You are being paranoid."
                "Am I? Violet shouldn't have healed that quickly. The Hulk doesn't even heal that quickly." Steve says defensively, "Violet should still be in a hospital, Tony. She shouldn't even be up and walking—much less taking a shower by herself. My intuition—"
               Tony rolls his eyes. "Cap, don't be such a grandpa. I'm not going to question why my daughter is doing so well. All I care about is that she makes it home and stays safe from harm. I almost lost her once, Steve. I won't let it happen again."

                  As they approach Stark Tower, Natasha and Clint can see that Stark Industries has helped rebuilt New York City back to its original state. People walk in and out of buildings as others avoid the rebuilding of other ruined businesses. Natasha turns over her shoulder at the guys.
                "We're landing in a few minutes! Be ready." The red head assassin says.
                 Steve stands up, stretching his legs and arms. He walks over to a sleeping Violet. She didn't sleep very well at the hospital, too much beeping and lighting. Steve knows that Violet has to have a completely dark and silent room to fall asleep in. Or she has to be extremely tired. He bends down and gently shakes Violet's arm.
                  "Violet darling, you need to get up." Steve smiles.
                 The young girl lets out a deep breath before cuddling deeper into the mat. Steve smiles at this, gently shaking her harder. She swats his hand away, shifting onto her belly. Her hands go up into her hair. Steve lets out a sigh and smacks her hard on the butt, making her jump awake.
                "Wake up, Violet Rose Stark!" Steve says loudly as he walks over to the table, grabbing his shield. "We're almost home."
              Violet sits up, her brown eyes squinted. She yawns, rubbing her face.
             "Don't call me by my full name." Violet whines, giving Steve a pout like face.
             "We're almost home, kid." Natasha calls out.
              Violet stands up, wobbly on her feet. She walks over to the pilot seat, looking out the window at the recovering New York. The sun is shining bright over the city.

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