Chapter 6: My Best Friend Thor

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(Violet's POV)

                   After showing my ass in front of everybody, I decided to go down to the gym to work out my frustration

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After showing my ass in front of everybody, I decided to go down to the gym to work out my frustration. On every warmup, I do 10 of each. I do sit-ups, push ups, jumping jacks, and stretch. And after I am finished with that, I do 60 squats. Let's just say that by the time I finish, I am exhausted. I think about what I had said earlier. I shouldn't have said anything, I should have brushed it off. I feel guilty. Really guilty. I wait for Steve for almost an hour, walking on the treadmill. Natasha said once that the treadmill is for housewives, which I find funny. I wish she were here to argue with.
Sadly, just being here alone makes me feel worse than I was up there. I should have said my sorry, I should have backed the negatives with some positives. But I didn't and it's killing me.
The sound of the elevator makes me turn my head. Thor steps out of the elevator, looking around. The Asgardian God smiles when his blue eyes lock on me. He wears his usual attire, Asgradian clothing but no cape or hammer in sight. Oh my. I give him a weak smile before going back to my walking.
"Violet, may we speak?" He says.
I love the way Thor talks, it's so deep and foreign. Most women I know are intimidated by deep voices, but I love to listen to men with deep voices. Especially when they have an accent. Steve has a Brooklyn accent, which I find extremely cute.
"Yeah, Thor. Just hold on one second." I push a button but the machine just gets faster.
Suddenly, the machine is speeding so fast that smoke starts to come out of it. I trip over my feet and face plant on the treadmill. It sends me back and my ass hits the boxing bag hard. I can hear Thor laughing hysterically at me. He walks over to the machine and turns it off. And guess what, it stops. Smoke lifts from the machine, trying to cool itself.
"You could have just hit the red button, Stark Jr." Thor smirks at me, arms crossed. "I am no scientist and is as able to stop its force."
"Oh, great for you mighty Thor." I stand up, brushing myself off. "So, how did you find me?"
"Stark's computer friend." Computer friend? Jarvis.
"Could his friend's name possibly be Jarvis?" I pant.
"Yes! That is his name." Thor smiles, nodding.
"Jarvis is our butler, but yes, we do include him as a friend." I half correct Thor, half explaining. "So does everyone know I'm down here sulking?"
"Yes," Thor winces.
"And they're all waiting for me to go and apologize?"
"Stark and Captain Rogers is worried about you, as am I." He says seriously, sitting down on the boxing ring mat. "You left in such a hurry."
"Thor, I will never admit this ever again and if anyone ever ask, I'll deny it." I sigh, "But I feel guilty for what I said. It was the truth, but it wasn't the whole truth."
He gives me a confused look. "How could it be the truth is it were not whole?"
"Thor, as hectic as it can get being the famous Tony Stark's daughter, I still love being with him. With you guys. It just makes me angry that the majority of people who even have anything to do with me just wants to meet you guys." I explain, "Tony's earned a good name for himself. He has. But I just feel like I'm living in his shadow and I don't want that kind of life."
"You know, Violet, I too understand what it feels like to be in your father's shadow." Thor says gently, "I wanted to take over the throne and be King of Asgard but I was not ready. And I don't think I'll ever be. I want to be a good man and protect this world of the evil that threatens to corrupt it."
"But you are a good man, Thor." I wrap my skinny arm around his bicep, smiling at him. "Your father is lucky to have a son like you."
"Thank you, Violet. I wish Frigga could have met you, she would have been pleased to meet such a maiden as you are." I blush at his comment, "Asgardian men would love to meet you."
I stare out onto the gymnasium, a million things running into my head. Is Tony watching me now? Is the rest of the team? Steve? The thought of them spying on me while I tell my best friend what's in my heart really makes me mad.
                   "Thor, do you miss Jane?" I say suddenly, feeling as if I hit an open wound.
                  He's quiet for a moment. "Of course, Jane is better than any woman I've ever met."
                  "Is Tony and the team watching us? Listening in?" I look to the ceiling, "Hey Jarvis!"
                  "Yes, Miss Stark?" Jarvis's voice rings in the room.
                 "Is Mr. Stark and Captain Rogers watching me? Can they hear us?" Thor gives me a questionable look.
                  "Mr. Stark is in a meeting at the moment with Miss Potts." Jarvis says, "Captain Rogers, Barton, Romanoff are headed to the weight room as we speak and Dr. Banner is in the science lab."
                  I sigh. "Alright, thank you Jarvis!"
                  "You're welcome, Miss Stark. Anytime." Then Jarvis is gone.
                 "Thor, I'm sorry for my out burst this morning. It was very rude of me and I regret making you all feel, especially Tony, that being your friend is deadweight on me." I apologize, trying to pull myself together. "I'm actually really lucky to have you as my friend."
                  Thor pats my back, smiling. "And you, mine."

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