Chapter 16: Saving Violet

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(Reader's POV)

                       Tony lands on Times Square ground, making an epic pose as he lands

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                       Tony lands on Times Square ground, making an epic pose as he lands. Pepper had called him, told him where Violet was and that she was hurt. That was all he needed to hear. The rest of the team was informed where Violet was and that she needed help. Tony stands up, his hand beam lighting up at the man whose hurting Violet. From what he can tell, she's been wounded. Which makes Tony's rage even worse. The man holds his hands up, fear on his face.
                     "Runaway, asshole." Tony says angrily, the beam lighting up.
                     "You're man of iron!" The man exclaims, pointing at Tony.
                   Tony sighs annoyed. "You mean Ironman? I save all of New York once and this is the thanks I get."
                    Tony begins to walk towards an unconscious Violet. A small pool of blood is under her shoulder. She needs a hospital. The man steps in front of Violet, blocking Tony from getting to her.
                    "Who are you to come up and mess with my problem?" The man spits, "Who are you? Uncle Metalhead? Robot butler?"
                      Tony's beams light up, causing the man to take a step back away from Violet's unconscious body.
                   "I'm Daddy." Tony says with a smirk, "And I'm here to save my little girl."
                   Suddenly, a crack of thunder strikes in the air. The man looks at the sky as the God of Thunder crashes down onto the earth. Thor stands up, holding his hammer up. Anger on his face. The man takes several steps back, holding his hands up in front of him. The helicraftor flies in, shinning a light down onto the scene.
                   "You there, the freaky criminal, surrender or we're gonna unleash our Hulk!" Clint's voice echoes through Times Square.
                   The man looks between Thor, Tony, and the helicraftor. He smacks his face.
                   "I be dreaming?" The man says in disbelief.
                   Thor knocks the man out with his hammer, making the man fall to the ground. How pathetic, The God of Thunder thinks. Tony rushes over to Violet, turning her over onto her back. Violet shakes, opening her eyes slightly.
                    "Steve?" Violet says weakly.
                    "No, no. It's me, Violet." Tony says with a sad smile, "It's dad."
                    Suddenly, Violet goes unconscious. The wound is on her left side where her heart is. He has to get her to a functioning hospital a-sap. Tony picks his daughter up and flies off to the nearest hospital, leaving his team behind.

                      Tony lands in front of the hospital, running in as Ironman. The nurses jump into action fast. A male nurse brings out a stretcher bed. He carefully sets Violet inside, being careful with her head. Tony's daughter, Violet Rose Stark, is dying. They rush Violet back to the operating table, leaving Tony standing alone in the waiting room.
                      The nurses all rush to the operating room, Violet was loosing blood quick. It was basically pouring out. A nurse put the anesthetic gas mask on the young girls face as her clothes are cut off, while another searches for a donor with the same blood type as her. The surgeon has a male nurse check her dropping pulse while another gets the Shock treatment. They amp the electrical machine to 200 and then puts it on on the young girls chest. Her body jumps at the action. The doctor prepares to take the bullet out. They cut the young girl open, searching for the bullet. Being careful of her beating heart. They find the bullet stuck in a rib cage. They remove it and try to repair the damage it had caused to any of the muscles and tissue. They pump the donors blood into Violet's body, trying to help her. They inject the young girl with an experimental serum, something they had whipped up only that morning. They clean the wound up before sewing the skin back together. Then they doctor it back up, they take the gas mask off and put a gown on her. They take Violet to a hospital room. It all took 4 hours.

                      The Avengers all sit in the waiting room, waiting on any news on Violet. Steve had paced the floor for an hour before he was forced by a nurse and a security guard to sit down. Clint bought the snacks. All in which are Violet's favorites, of course. Natasha had read through every magazine in the waiting room, growing bored with every celebrity drama after another. She looks at Clint, who munches on fruit gummy snacks.
                       "Do you think I look like her?" She says with a small smile, pointing at a picture. "Like Scarlett Johansson?"
                       "Nah, she's blonde." Clint shakes his head, looking at the picture.
                      Natasha rolls her eyes. "Thats not what I—never mind, Barton"
                       Steve stands up one more time, walking to the bathroom and back. If only he could just get a doctor to come out and talk to them. Him, at least.
                       "It's been 4 hours," Tony says agitated.
                      "You keep reminding us every twenty minutes, Tony." Natasha says annoyed, "It's going to be 5 if you keep it up."
                       "You would have thought they would have taken care of it by now." Bruce says confused, sad. "I'm not sure you should have chosen this hospital. They have a high rating of failed surgeries here."
                      Everyone glares at Bruce, who gives them an innocent look. Not the time to give out that type of information.
                      "What?" Bruce says innocently.
                      "Banner, great job on telling a father that he chose the worst place to take his dying daughter. To this hospital!" Clint exclaims, annoyed that his legs have gone numb. "Let's face it, Vi may not make it."
                       "Or she could live and you humans are just petty." Thor says, nodding.
                       Suddenly, the doctor steps out onto the waiting room. Tony and Steve rush over to the doctor, the others following after. The doctor takes a step back , nervous at the sight in front of him.
                  "Mr. Stark?" The doctor looks around nervously.
                 "I am Tony Stark." Tony pipes up, "My daughter is Violet Rose Stark. Is she—"
                 "We thought we were going to lose her for a while there, the bullet managed to go through her body without touching her heart. It damaged a rib bone but we fixed it. Violet is now resting in her room." The doctor says, "Any questions you would like to ask?
               "Yes, when will Violet be able to leave?" Bruce chimes in, "I'm her uncle."
              "Actually, Violet could go home tomorrow if she would like." The doctor says, making everyone doubt ever bringing Violet to that hospital. "We managed to find a donor after she lost a lot of blood. She's actually awake right now."
               "Really?" Tony says survived, not fully convinced "Are you bullshitting us? Cause I've had enough of that today."
               "No, no. I can assure you. I had talked to Violet and she was ready to take a shower and go home." The doctor says. "She is very eager to see you all."

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