Chapter 39: I Smell A Rat

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(Reader's POV)

                         Nick Fury walks into Stark Tower, the package tucked away inside his jacket

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Nick Fury walks into Stark Tower, the package tucked away inside his jacket. He had called Tony and told him he was on his way. He walks over the elevator and pushes the up button. He steps inside.
"Jarvis, inform the Avengers that I'm here. I'll be in the conference room on the third floor ." Fury pushes the 3rd floor button.
"Alright, Agent Fury. I am informing Mr. Stark now." Jarvis says
The elevator is quick, taking only seconds to arrive at the Headquarters floor. He steps out and walks down the hallway. He can see Steve's office, Miss Potts, Tony's and then a door that reads CONFERENCE ROOM. Nick walks in and sits down, getting comfortable.

The Avengers team all sits around the conference room, listening to Nick Fury as he speaks.
"I've come with another mission, SHIELD's orders." Fury takes the package out of his coat pocket, tossing it to the center of the large table. "You're going to Germany. It's the first lair Johnathan Schmidt had before he revealed his evil butt to SHIELD 72 years ago."
Steve looks up at Fury, whose already staring at him. Johnathan Schmidt was the man who Steve had fought to end HYDRA. Steve had thrown Schmidt into the space portal before he threw the tesseract into the ocean. The Red Skull.
"And what are we looking for at this evil lair?" Tony turns to Bruce then to the rest of the team, "I need a lair, maybe a man cave of some sort—"
"You will investigate to see if that's where HYDRA is still hiding at." Fury says over Tony's sarcastic words, an annoyed expression on his face.
"That place burned down in World War I." Steve says assuringly, "I would know, I helped burn it down."
Fury sighs, nodding his head. "Yes, but—"
The sound of the intercom comes on, interrupting Fury's words. He looks between the team, noticing a few of their worried faces. Suddenly, the intercom is cut off. The sound of an old wall mountable phone being cut off fills the rooms of Stark Tower. Fury looks between the team, facially asking a question.
"Mr. Stark, Chief Rogers has shot—" Jarvis starts to say.
"Not right now, Jarvis. The Avengers are in a meeting." Tony says rushed like, "I'll investigate Code Blue afterwards."
Chief Rogers has shot? Who is Chief Rogers? And to what has he shot? Fury begins to get a feeling that then Avengers are hiding something. He's curious enough to find out about Code Blue.
"Alright, Mr. Stark. I will inform Miss Stark about Code Blue now." Then Jarvis is out.
"Just out of curiosity, did you get a pet?" Fury says, knowing damn well that Tony Stark wouldn't allow a pet in his multi million dollar Tower.
Natasha's eyebrow arches, a smirk like expression on her face.
"You could say something like that." The redhead says.
Agent Fury can see a few drops of sweat rolling down Dr. Banner's temple. The Avengers are definitely hiding something. Fury starts to speak once again, his hand slowly inching forwards his gun, when Jarvis's voice echoes through the room.
"Mr. Stark," Jarvis says, "Code Blue has ruined—"
"I'll deal with it now, Jarvis. Thank you." Tony says annoyed, turning to Fury, "We'll talk more later. I have some unfinished business to attend to with Stratton Enterprises."
                         Tony begins to mutter under his breathe. Standing up.
                   "When you all formed this team, all of you agreed to be on call." Fury says, his words stopping Tony. "This is one of those calls."
                         Tony stands up straighter. "I know the terms I agreed upon, Fury. You don't have to remind me."
                         "Then sit down, Stark." Fury motions to the chair Tony had been sitting in, slightly testing the playboy genius.
                       Tony turns his head, popping a sassy hip pose.
                       "Jarvis, tell Via to manage Chief Rogers for now. We will be up there shortly to investigate what Chief Rogers is this time." Tony says annoyed, but calmly.
                       Fury looks between the Avengers, expecting an answer, but they do not meet his eye. Not even Steve Rogers himself, who looks very concerned at this moment.  Tony walks back over to his seat, sitting down slowly. As if waiting for Jarvis to answer once again. Clint's right leg is shaking, a sign of nervousness. Or unknown ADHD. Bruce fidgets in his seat, Thor's fingers drum lightly against the table. What are the Avengers hiding?
                    "SHIELD has instructed me to convince you to go on this mission." Fury sighs, "HYDRA is everywhere. There are eyes and ears open from both parties of SHIELD and HYDRA. The Council wants you to go investigate one of the first buildings HYDRA ever had. And yes, Cap, parts of it were burned down."
                    "Investigating an old, ghost filled evil organizations lair with no guarantee that HYDRA is 98% there is not what the Avengers do, Fury." Tony says annoyed, "And plus, its below our pay raise."
                     "SHIELD will do anything they deem worth the sacrifice to take HYDRA down. Even if that means they have to take what you love and use it to get you to do their dirty work." Fury warns cautiously, "So I'd take that call before it gets ugly."
                    Suddenly, the conference doors open. Fury turns to see a teenage boy standing in the doorway. He looks to be between the ages 17 to 18, tall with great bone structure. He has porcelain pale skin, eyes the color of the Pacific ocean. The boy's eyes are fixed on Tony, who stares at the boy with a nervous expression. In the matter of  seconds, Steve had managed to get up and walked over to the young boy. Steve mutters things to the boy, who stares up at the super solider the way a puppy does to his owner. Suddenly, Fury recognizes the familiarities between the young boy and Captain Rogers. The slightly crooked nose, the high cheekbone, the shape of the thin lips—the characteristics are dramatically similar.
                 "Captain, who is this boy?" Fury puts his hands behind his back.
                 Steve turns and looks at Fury, fear in his eyes.
                 "He's my trainee." Clint says, "Steve's his idol."
                 "Barton, I thought you said you weren't training the trainees." Fury catches Clint's obvious lie, annoyed.
                  "Well, you know Nick, there's just something special about this kid." Clint walks over to the young boy, putting a firm hand on the young boy's shoulders. "He's training to be an archer like I am."
                "I accid—" Clint puts a hand over the boy's mouth, smiling.
"Chief, you only speaks when told to." Clint says annoyed.
                "Son, come here." Fury says to the teenage boy.
Fury notices how Steve's hand grips the boy's bicep tighter. The boy looks between everyone in the room. He points to his chest.
"Me?" The boy says innocently.
Fury looks to Steve and Clint, whose expressions are stoic and hard. The teenage boy walks over to Fury, unsure. Fury knows the boy cannot be a trainee. A trainee would know when and how to come into a conference room during a meeting.
"What is your name?" The boy looks over to Tony, "Don't look at him, look at me. Why are you looking over at him? What is your name, son? Your real name?"
"Blue," The boy says innocently.
"Blue?" Fury looks between the team, "Code Blue?"
"Listen, we can explain—" Tony begins.
"Please do, Mr. Stark. Because I smell a rat." Fury says.
Tony turns to Steve and Clint. Fury and Blue follow Tony's gaze.
              Blue sniffs loudly. "I don't smell anything."
"Cap, I think your obliged to explain what is going on." Tony says, "If we have no other surprises."
Steve nods his head, annoyed at Tony. He begins to walk over to where Blue and Fury stand.
"Fury, a lot has happened to in the past two months." Steve says, "Enough to drive a desperate man off the edge."
Suddenly, a scrawny girl appears in the doorway. She has on a sweater and skinny jeans, combat boots. Her brown eyes are focused on Blue, who looks like a kid
whose mom just busted him from trying to steal a cookie out of the cookie jar. She walks over, being very quick.
"I'm so, so sorry." The girl apologizes full heartedly, reaching out for Blue's bicep.
"And who might you be?" Fury says to the girl, blocking Blue.
"Violet Rose Stark." Tony's daughter, her body language changes all together. Almost defensive. "And you must be Director Fury. The team has talked so much about you."
Fury looks over his shoulder at Blue, whose eyes wide and quiet. Steve grabs
Violet and pulls her behind him protectively, both their eyes on the boy being guarded by Fury.
"Will somebody please tell me what the hell is going on?" Fury says angrily, his hand on his gun.
"Careful, Fury." Natasha warns. She's hunkered down into a far range angle, her gun pointed at him from under the table. "You're in the lions den at this moment. It's best you step lightly."
"It's not safe for me to be here right now." Bruce says out loud, standing up.
"From the moment Jarvis called, I knew something was up. Now, tell me what it is or it's going to get ugly." Fury threatens.
"Believe me, it's a long story." Tony says, "It's dangerous."
"I'm dangerous?" Blue says innocently, puppy eyed.
"Blue, hush it!" Violet hisses from behind Steve.
Fury turns to Steve. "Cap, I demand an explanation. Now!"
Steve nods his head slowly, his eyes like sharp daggers.
"Alright, I'll give you one. Just give me back my son."

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