Chapter 41: The Pain A Mother Bare's

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(Violet's POV)

              The majority of us sit in the living room, staring at the coffee table in complete silence

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              The majority of us sit in the living room, staring at the coffee table in complete silence. We've been like this for a couple hours. I can hear Clint and Blue by the stairway, giggling like the two mischievous children they are. I lean my head on Steve's shoulder, sighing as they all think about our next move.
            "We have to go." Natasha finally breaks the silence, thank god.
           Tony and Bruce nods. Thor, whose sitting right next to me, looks to Steve.
           "We need to make sure Violet and Blue are safe first." Steve argues calmly, "Fury's right, SHIELD could find out about Blue and then they'd do god knows what to them."
            I wince at the thought of tubes and wires coming out of Blue. Scientists experimenting on him like he's nothing more than a variable. A shiver runs down my spine, making me lean closer to Steve. Tony's leg shakes uncontrollably as he gets deeper and deeper into thought.
            "If we don't go, SHIELD will search through our files and blackmail us into going anyways." Natasha argues back, obviously offended by Steve's argument. "Like Fury said, we can't make Blue stay in Stark Tower forever. He's growing everyday and he may begin to grow faster at some point—"
            "We need to get SHIELD involved." The room goes silent to Tony's words.
           I feel as if someone had stabbed me in the back, making it harder to breathe. Anger boils in my stomach. I can feel Steve tense up, his hands forming a tight fist. His gorgeous blue eyes like daggers that are aimed at Tony. I can't even hear Clint and Blue anymore. Turning, I can see that Blue and Clint have stopped messing around and is now beside the couch. Clint looks as betrayed as Steve and I, whereas Blue just looks like a lost puppy.
               I shake my head. "What?"
               Tony looks at me, his face twisted into a wince like expression.
              "Like Romanoff said, Blue's growing everyday." Tony says with a serious face, "Blue's going to be an old, wrinkly man before I am—and I'm his grandfather!"
              I shoot straight up out of my seat, anger in my chest. The heat rises from my chest to my cheeks.
              "They'll experiment on him for the rest of his remaining days!" My voice begins to rise higher and higher, making the anger worse. "They'll experiment on me and probably use me as a mutant-baby-factory so when their experiments fail, oh well! Let's just have her make another!"
               "Via, you're being irrationally dramatic." Tony says annoyed.
               "Yeah, and where do I get that from, hmm?" I fire back, crossing my arms.
              The whole room has gone silent, waiting for Tony to respond so we can continue on with this ridiculous argument.
               "Via, that's what I would do if we were deciding on what to do with you. If you were in Blue's place and I was in yours." Tony says finally.
               "Yeah well, you're not me and I'm not you." my poisonous words spit out of my mouth nastily. "Mom would be ashamed of how you're dealing with this. This is why she always wanted to keep me from you, you'd haul any problem off so you won't have to deal with what really important."
               I turn around and grab Blue's wrist, dragging him behind me. Tony calls after me but I don't listen. I just walk to the elevator, my heart shattered. They can't take Blue away from me. I don't let them, Steve won't let them. There has to be a way other than sending Blue off to a lab to be cut open and experimented on. There has to be. I'll find a way, if possible.

             After I made sure Blue took a shower and got into his pajamas, I tucked him in. I know it's silly, considering of how much he looks like a teenager. He would be 18 tomorrow. I should do something for him, something special. Something memorable. Blue gives me a pouty look, his blue eyes stare up at me widely.
              "Mom, are you mad?" He says
            "Not at you, sweetie." I try to smile at him, lacking the happy face I need. "Papaw just doesn't understand what you mean to me and your father."
             "Uncle Clint says that if I were to stop growing, he would reach me how to shoot arrows like him." Blue says excitedly, making me sad.
             "Sweetie, that takes years of practice." I say gently.
             "Well, I wouldn't mind practicing for a couple years. I want to be a superhero like Dad and Uncle Clint!" Blue says happily, grinning from ear to ear.
               I can feel the tears trying to poke out of my eyes, trying to break me. Quickly, I kiss Blue's forehead and turn off the light.
               "Goodnight, sweetie." I say in a low voice.
              My soul is breaking, along with my heart and bones. Everything I have is being torn apart at the moment. Blue will never live for more than a year. I walk out of Blue's room as quickly as the tears fall down my face. Blue won't ever get to be normal. I'm going to outlive my son. Oh god, my baby's going to be dead before I even turn 22.
Once I am inside Steve and My's bedroom, I fall onto the bed in tears. My thoughts swarm around in my brain, torturing me as I beg for it all to go away. Because Blue will never go to college, or play in a sport. He'll will never get married or have any kids of his own. He'll die before he gets the chance to live his own damn life. And me, being Blue's mother, to not have any control over his short life span, when my miracle baby does pass on, I will too. And that will be a burden to bare for the rest of my expanded life.

I'll Find A Way *A Captain America Story*Where stories live. Discover now