Chapter 9: I Need A Hero

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(Violet's POV)

                When I got to school, everyone was excited to go on the trip

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                When I got to school, everyone was excited to go on the trip. We were going to meet up with the a famous artist before lunch then go through the science department with the science director, Michael Conners Senior. As my friend, Charity Chasm, and I boarded the bus, I couldn't help but notice Stark Industries on the side of the bus. Several of the other class men looked over their shoulders at me with a smirk or they whispers to the person beside them. I will not apologize to Tony.
               Charity and I found a seat near the back, trying to be avoided by the other classmates. As my gal pal looks through the map of the building, I stare out the window. The sky is clear, bright. It's actually a little warm out. Jarvis had said that it was going to be cool, but I'm sweating like a whore in church. Pardon my words, but that's how sweaty I am. Charity takes her purple jacket off and scarf, feeling as warm as I am. Her black hair swaying as she fixes her wrinkly shirt.
                 "On the news, it said it was supposed to be 47 degrees today." Charity says confused, "Guess they were wrong."
                 "Yeah, I guess Jarvis was wrong too." I sigh, "He told me it was going to be chilly."
"You talk about Jarvis a lot. Is he your boyfriend? Is he that guy with the arrows? Cause girl, damn." She says with a smile, biting her glossed lip. "That man fine as hell."
I giggle at her. "No, no. Jarvis is our butler. Tony built him."
"So he's a robot?" Charity says
"No, Jarvis is a natural-language user interface computer system." Charity gives me the long stare, "Tony upgraded Jarvis into an artificially intelligent system, he runs business for Stark Industries and is security for Stark Tower. He also helps the Avengers during combat."
"Ohh," Charity nods "So he's a robot?"
I sigh. "In order for Jarvis to be a robot, Charity, he has to have a physical appearance and he doesn't. Jarvis is a computer system."
"Whatever. I still need to meet your imaginary boyfriend." She picks at the pin on her bag. "Whether or not he's a robot or invisible."
"Jarvis is not my boyfriend, Charity." I look back out the window, "My boyfriend is a WWI solider."

Our escort Judy Beard, or Miss Judy, walks us down the art hallway. It's so beautiful here, the paintings that the college students have made and the ones from famous artist. It's all so breathtaking. There's a humongous eyeball sculpture in one room with black walls. Charity wanted to stop by there before we go to lunch, I just wrinkled my nose at the thought. Sometimes I wonder how we came to be friends. Then I remember that she didn't know who I was the first day and when she learned that I was Tony Stark's daughter, she never treated me any different.
After we met a college student who wants to be a painter, the famous one, we all are given 30 minutes to look around before lunch. And guess where Charity drags me. The place is even creepier than it was from the hallway. The room has black walls and horrific pictures. As I walk around the humongous eyeball, a picture catches my attention. I walk over to the picture. It's a child laying in a casket, the picture looks so life like. It reminds me of my nightmare I had about my funeral.
                  Suddenly, I've lost complete control over my body. My heart begins to race, sweat pours down my body, and I can't breath. Terror spreads through my body, making my chest tight. A hand touches me, making me jump. I turn to see Charity standing there with a concerned expression.
"Vi, are you okay?" She says worriedly.
"C-Call Pepper Pots!" I throw my phone at Charity, "P-Please!"
I rush out of the room, feeling as if I may pass out at anytime. My vision has become blurry, I can hardly see what in front of me. Stumbling into the bathroom, I head for an open stall. I fall to my knees and vomit immediately into the public toilet. I hold my stomach as the Chinese food I had the night before comes up my esophagus. The bathroom door opens, footsteps scurry to my stall. Charity is immediately at my side.
"I called Pepper. She said she would get Happy to pick you up. What is Happy?" Charity says confused. "Is he another robot like Jarvis?"
I begin to vomit harder, feeling uncontrollably sick to my stomach. My stomach aches, but not like your usual stomachache. It's weird. Suddenly, thunder rubbles through the building. My first thought is Thor, the God of Thunder. But then the walls begin to shake uncontrollably. An earthquake. Charity and I both cover our heads and necks as the ceiling comes crashing down on us. Our screams can be heard. After the quaking ends, we manage to get out of the restroom. The smell of smoke fills my lungs, making me cough. Everyone is rushing out of the building. Charity grabs my hand and drags me out with her.
"What the hell is happening?" Charity shouts at me
"Oh like I know everything, Charity!" I fire back sarcastically, annoyed.
When we make it out of the building, I look up to see the building is crashing down. Planes are falling from the sky like meteor shower. And hail rains down on the earth. My first thought is: get to Stark Tower. I grab Charity's hand and I guide her down the street of people running away. I can see Stark Tower from across the city. I take my phone back out and dial for Tony. All I get is a voicemail.
"Dad! I know you're probably aware of hell raining on us right now, but I don't think I can make it back to Stark Tower without becoming the human icicle! I'm sorry if I hurt you, I didn't mean to." I sob as I pull Charity with me, tears falling down my face. "Please don't let what I said make you not care about me anymore. I'm sorry. I'm a selfish brat like Natasha said and I don't deserve to be saved. But Dad I'm so, so scare—"
A plane comes crashing down onto the streets, explosions happening all round us.
"Oh my god!" My terror echoes in my voice.
The impact throws Charity into the streets and me into the alleyway. As I hit the ground, the phone falls from my grasp a few feet away from me. The screen shatters. I wrinkle towards it, to call again. To call Steve or Pepper. But another big ball of hail comes flying at me. I scramble up and run down the alleyway. I run through the alley maze, trying to duck the hail. What is happening? Why? Where's Tony? I need a hero.

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