Chapter 35: Life Or Death

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(Reader's POV)

                       The early morning came in fast, the sun rising over the New York Skyscrapers

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The early morning came in fast, the sun rising over the New York Skyscrapers. Tony sits in his chair in the living room, drinking coffee and reading the news on his holographic newspaper. Pepper had called him early that morning to tell she was going to fly back to New York the next day and that she had already picked some clothes out for the baby. Even thought he didn't act like it, Tony was excited to be a grandpa. But he just didn't the circumstances behind his daughters pregnancy. Violet is visibly in pain and he has no control to stop it. He looks up at the lab. Bruce and Dr. Cho stand inside a lab room, discussing her new machine that repairs damaged tissue in just minutes. Tony was half way impressed when he first heard of the idea.
After getting dressed in her casual clothes, Natasha steps out of her assigned dorm room. She walks down the wall to Steve's room. Violet had somehow convinced Tony, with Pepper's help, to make her room into the babies room. Natasha knocks on the door, reading the silver name plate thats labeled ROGERS. The former Russian spy steps into the dorm room. Violet is in the bed, laying on her side. She looks so uncomfortable, dark circles under her eyes. She hadn't been sleeping well.
"Violet, it's time to wake up." Natasha walks over to the bathroom, where Steve had put Violet's clothes at for that day. "Dr. Cho needs to check on the baby."
Natasha grabs the folded pile of clothes and walks over to the side of the bed where Violet lays. Violet looks up at the red headed woman, visibly in pain. The young girl puts a hand on her round stomach. It had gotten so humongous over night,
"I don't think I can get up." Violet says weakly.
"I think you can." Natasha urges, annoyed.
Natasha helps Violet up and sitting on the side of the bed with her swollen ankles dangling. The red headed woman helps undress her pregnant friend, seeing how much stress the young girls body is under.
"Would you really put your body through this again?" Natasha says in disbelief, helping Violet to her feet.
"In a heartbeat." Violet says half way confidently, "Maybe it won't be like this next time."
Natasha walks Violet to the door, having to wait on the young girl to wobble her way to the door. They manages to walk down the hall and get into the elevator. Natasha has Violet lean against the wall, pushing the 8th floor button. To the lab. Violet pants, holding her stomach as she nearly hunched over. The young girl begins to whine, tears falling down her face. Natasha holds onto her, knowing this must be painful for her.
As the elevator comes to a stop, it bounces as it usually does. Violet suddenly loses her balance, grabbing onto the metal wall. A crack like sound fills the air, making both Violet and Natasha hesitant with fear. Pain spreads through Violet's back and lower abdomen, blood trailing down the young girls leg. Screams fill the elevator as Violet falls down to her hands and knees.
The elevator doors open wide. The sound of Violet's screams fill the lab and echoes down to the living room. Bruce and Dr. Cho rush over to the elevator, seeing the bloody mess. Tony drops his holographic device and rushes up the stairs to see what is happening to his daughter. When he arrives at the scene, he sees her drenched in blood in the elevator.
"Oh my go—" Tony says in shock, "Jarvis, contact the baby doctor Pepper ordered. Get Rogers, Barton, and Thor up here stat! Violet's in danger."
"Calling Dr. Huffman now, sir."

Steve, Clint, and Thor are in the training room. As Steve works his frustration out on a bunching bag, he thinks about what Violet had told him the night before. She had told Steve that she was scared that SHIELD would take their baby away because if it's impossible growth and the possibility to have enhanced abilities. Even though Steve told Violet not to worry and that he wouldn't let anything happen, the super solider knows that SHIELD will do anything to get their hands on things they have no business handling.
Suddenly, Jarvis's voice fills the training room.
"Captain Rogers, Thor, and Barton," Jarvis says, getting their attention "Miss Stark and her baby is in danger. She had fallen and has bleed all over the West elevator."
Steve's heart begins to race, fear filling his stomach. He rushes over to the elevator, as does Thor and Clint. The South elevator opens, they all pile inside. They push the 8th floor button. Steve begins to panic, what had happened while he was gone? He knew he shouldn't have left Violet alone that morning. Clint notices this and puts a hand on his shoulder.
"Cap, calm down! There's no use in freaking out." Clint tries to calm Steve down, "She's tougher than he think."
"Barton is right, Rogers. Violet is strong." Thor agrees with Clint.
"What if I lose her, huh? What if I lose both of them?" Steve says hopelessly, "I already lost one girl. I can't lose another."
   The elevator comes to a bouncing jolt, Steve rushes out of the elevator door as it begins to slowly open. He quickly looks around to see a blood trail on the floor. A animal like scream fills the air. Tony rushes down the stairs from the experimental room. Steve starts to rush up the stairs when Tony stops him.
              "Don't go up there Cap, it's bad." Steve can see tears in Tony's eyes. "Dr. Huffman is on his way now."
              "What happened?" Clint says, seeing the blood trail.
               Tony wipes his face with his hand. "Natasha and Violet were in the elevator and—when it stopped, Violet's back broke. She's choking on her own blood."
               Steve pushes Tony out of his way as he rushes up the stairway. Tony sits down on the bottom step, covering his eyes as he fears he will lose his child.
               "Violet!" Steve shouts as he hurried up the steps.
               Bruce appears, stopping Steve. "Don't go in there, Steve. It's bad."
               Steve pushes Bruce aside and rushes into the experimental room. His feet stops as he sees the sight in front of him. Violet is laid out on the exam bed, the covers drenched in blood. Dr. Cho is shaking while Natasha is screaming at Steve to go. Steve rushes over to the other side of Violet, he sees her dead like expression.
              "H-Hi Ste—Steve." Violet says weakly, barely a whisper.
              Blood rushes down Violet's mouth says her lips move. She's dying. Tears fall down Steve's cheeks.
              Bruce rushes in. "Dr. Cho, Dr. Huffman said that we needed to get the baby out now."
              "But—" Dr. Cho says
             "He's stuck in traffic and if we don't get it out of her, it'll drown itself in the amniotic fluid." Bruce says nervously, "He said he would guide you through each step."
              Natasha puts a hand on Steve's bicep, he whips around to her. He's in total shock of all that if happening.
             "Steve, we need to go! Now!" Natasha drags Steve out of the experimental room, knowing it was best to leave the situation.
              The Avengers go down to the living room, getting as far away from the situation as possible. Tony stays on the bottom step in the lab. This was turkey packback for all he had done in his past life.

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