Chapter 43: SHIELD

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(Violet's POV)

                  After I had woken up, I took a shower and got dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt

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                  After I had woken up, I took a shower and got dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Steve and the team have already left for their mission. I walk to Blue's room, turning on the lights. Immediately, I hear Blue groan as he pulls the covers over his head. I grab the covers and pull it completely off of Blue—only to find that my son is naked. Blue covers himself quickly, shouting at me.
                   "Mom!" He shouts embarrassed.
                   "Why are you naked?" I say in shock, "I dressed you last night!"
                   "It got hot!" He says embarrassed, "Mom!"
                    I turn my head, my cheeks bright pink, as I walk to his closet. I grab him a pair of briefs underwear and a jeans. I throw them to him, to which he catches perfectly.  He quickly dresses himself as I find his shirt and socks. I hand them to him, giggling at his red cheeks.
                   "Sweetie, it's okay." I giggle.
                   "Mom, I'm 18 days old." He says annoyed, "I don't need my mommy to wipe my ass every—"
                    "Language, young man!" I hiss at him, "Where did you hear that word from?"
                     "You." He says innocently, making me feel a bit embarrassed myself.
                     "Well, don't cuss again. It's dirty and you're a good boy." I nod my head, grabbing the dirty clothes from the floor.
                       "Mom, do I have to wear a shirt?" Blue whines, "I hate having to wear so much clothing."
                      "Good lord, child. Sometimes I wonder if you really are Steve's kid." I tease.
                      Blue gives me a look. "Mom? How did I get here?"
                     "I put you to bed last night, that's how." I brush his hair back out of his face.
                      "No no no. I mean, Papaw is always saying that you almost died carrying me. How did you carry me?" Blue says innocently.
                    My cheeks turn bright pink with embarrassment. Oh god, I knew the sex talk would come sooner or later but I never through it would come THIS early. I nervously clear my throat, brushing a shaky hand over my hair.
                    "Ask your father when he comes back. I'm sure he'll explain it to you." I say awkwardly, not wanting to get into that type of conversation.
                    "But don't you know?" Blue says confused.
                    "Yes, but your asking me questions that are meant to be asked to your father." I say shyly, "A father should be the one to give his son the birds and bees talk."
Blue gives me that long stare. "What's birds and the what?"
I roll my eyes, knowing I won't be able to get through to Blue.
"Just hurry up because it's breakfast time." I say grouchily.
                   I step out of Blue's room, leaning against the wall. Blue comes out of his room, shirtless and a bow and arrow in his hand. I roll my eyes at him, wondering if Blue is actually Steve's and now Clint's. I know Blue belongs to Steve but I still wonder... We walk to the elevator and get in. I push the 5th floor button. Suddenly, I get this feeling. It's negative and dark vibe makes me cautious. I look up to the ceiling.
"Jarvis, is Stark Tower secured?" I say cautiously, grabbing Blue's wrist.
"Yes, Miss Stark." Jarvis says, "What would you like for Breakfast? The others are having their breakfast now."
I look at Blue, whose giving me puppy dog eyes. Hadn't the team already left? Steve's suit and shield was gone this morning. Could they have waited for Blue and I to wake up to say their goodbyes? It doesn't sound believable. It doesn't make sense. Could Pepper and Happy we here? Pepper is in Washington and Happy is escorting her around as her partial bodyguard. The elevator doors open, I step out of the elevator first, being careful. I hear a familiar clanking sound of a coffee mug. Steve. I walk into a clearer sight of the kitchen. Suddenly my heart stops.
                    There are agents sitting at the coffee bar table. SHIELD AGENTS. When they see me, fear pegs at my heart. I hear a voice from left side of me, away from the kitchen. I look over to see a man with pasty skin and reddish blond hair.
                     "Hello, my name is Alexander Pierce." The man says, "I'm with SHIELD."
                     I whip around at Blue, whose still in the elevator.
                     "RUN BLUE!" I scream at the top of my lungs.
                     The other agents run towards the elevator. Blue quickly pressed a button, the elevator doors closing. Alexander grabs me, putting me in a choke hold. For a short man, he sure is strong. I fight against him, trying to elbow him and do everything I possibly can to get away. But it only makes Alexander press harder.
                       "Don't worry, sweetheart." The man says evilly, "Daddy sent us."
                       Suddenly, everything goes pitch black.

(Reader's POV)

                 The elevator doors open, Blue rushes out onto the lobby

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                 The elevator doors open, Blue rushes out onto the lobby. SHIELD Agents stand at the only exit. When they see him, they march towards the young boy. Blue takes his arrow out and does what Clint had taught him. He loads his row and shoots it at one of the agents, hitting him in the shoulder. Suddenly, Blue is rushed. They tackle in him the ground, holding him down as they cuff him. Alexander Pierce steps out of the elevator, making his way over to the captured boy. Blue glares up at the man, wanting his father and grandpa to come save him.
                    Alexander bends down to eye level with the boy.
                  "Hello, Mr. Blue Buchanan Rogers." Alexander smiles, "Its nice to finally meet the creature unknown to science yet."
"Go to hell." Blue says childishly, his lower lip pouted out.
"Such colorful words for such a young man." Alexander punches Blue in the gut, making the boy hunch over. He leans in close to the boy's ear. "Run from me like that again, I'll beat your mother."
Fear fills Blue's chest. What should he do? Fight or go along with this? What would his father do? What would Steve Rogers do?
                     "When my father gets back, you'll wish you had left me alone!" Blue shouts
                    "I'm sure when your daddy comes back from his little mission, he'll be wishing he had left HYDRA alone all those years ago." Alexander nods to the men, "Take him away, along with the girl. We need to start the experiments ASAP."

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