Chapter 34: Thor Finds Out

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(Reader's POV)

                      Thor stands at the edge of the living room, stunned at the sight in front of him

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                      Thor stands at the edge of the living room, stunned at the sight in front of him. Violet sits on the couch with a big, round belly. Her shirt doesn't even cover her whole stomach, Thor can see the stretch marks on her lower abdomen. The young girl that Thor once was now looks as if she were dying. She's pasty pale and looks exhausted. Stunned by total shock and confusion, the Asgardian looks between the five of them for answers.
                     "What—" Thor can't finish his sentence, he's in so much shock.
                     "Oh, what happened to Violet?" Tony says annoyed, pointing to Steve. "Ask Captain-Daddy-Grandpa here what happened."
                      Thor looks to Steve, whose face is grim.
                      "I'm pregnant." Violet says when Steve takes too long.
                      Thor takes a step back, confused. "With child?"
                      "Yep, big guy. She's with child." Tony says in a sarcastic tone. "With Steve's child."
                       "It's a long story, Thor." Steve finally speaks, "It gets stranger and stranger every time we go over it."
                       "I got time" Thor looks to Violet's belly again.

                      Bruce and Dr. Cho sat Thor down and they all explained the situation the best they could for him. That the hospital had put an experimental drug inside Violet was run by Hydra. That Hydra is a scientific terrorist organization. That the experimental drug that had been given to Violet had given her rapid healing abilities. Then she had gotten pregnant. And everything after that had to be told to Thor twice. The baby's growth being rapidly effected by Violet's abilities, how it started growing more rapidly by just few days ago.
                     Thor stands up, his fist tight. His eyes are focused on Steve, anger boils in his veins. Violet is messed up, and it's partially Steve's fault.
                      "This is your fault!" Thor says aggressively.
                     "Oh no, Point Break, we can't hurt precious Steve. Violet may do something crazy." Tony pats Thor's bicep with the back of his hand, standing up. "But I bet you can reason with her, though. Maybe she'll listen to a God instead of her own father."
                     Violet sighs, rolling her eyes at Tony. "And where do you think you're going?"
                      "To my office, to call Pepper. She's called me from D.C. and keeps asking me about the baby's growth." Tony responds, not turning around. "I'm starting to get her hint."
Violet smirks, as does Steve. After Tony leaves, Thor turns back to Violet. He stares down at her enlarged stomach. The Asgardian sits down on the recliner, which Bruce starts to argue about.
"Since the child is growing as it is, when will you—" Thor begins
"Any day now." Dr. Cho answers him, she turns to Violet. "I'm just worried about you giving birth here without the proper equipment."
"You said yourself that it's not safe for me to move very much." Violet says, "And after Hospital Hydra, I'm not too eager to step inside a hospital."
Dr. Cho puts her hand on the young girl's. "I don't blame you."
Thor smiles, leaning forward. "I thought I told you not to do anything stupid while I was gone."
                    "I'm a Stark, it's only natural that trouble finds me." Violet says weakly, trying to lighten the moment.
                   Steve smiles, rubbing Violet's tender back. She partly reminds him of Tony.
                   "You are trouble, darling." Steve brushes a loose strand of hair out of his lovers face.
                   Dr. Cho stands, grabbing her equipment. She goes to the stairs that leads up to the lab, Bruce follows after her. Suddenly, the elevator doors open. Natasha and Clint walk in dressed casually. Something Thor rarely sees. Violet grabs her stomach, a small smile on her face. She turns to her Asgardian friend.
                   "Thor, you wanna see something really weird?" Violet says half way excitedly.
                   Thor gives her a look for a moment, still unsure about her current state.
                  "There is not much that can surprise me at this moment." Thor says
                  Violet slightly pulls her shirt up, revealing the stretch marks on her stomach. With a wide smile on her lips, she taps the side of her stomach with her index finger (below). Suddenly, something presses outward from the inside of the young girls stomach. Almost as it it were a tiny hand. Violet giggles.

                    "That's my son, Thor

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                    "That's my son, Thor." Violet says, Steve smiles at her happiness. "He's very active."
                     Natasha walks up. "I'm still not convinced that Dr. Cho saw a hotdog instead of a hamburger."
                      The former Russian spy plops down next to Violet. Clint walks over and sits down in Tony's special chair.
                     "Hotdog? Hamburger?" Thor says confused, "I am unfamiliar with your terms."
                     Natasha gives him a look. "A penis or a vagina, Thor."
                     "Oh," Thor nods "Is that what people on earth are calling them now? Hotdogs and hamburgers?"
                     "No, but it's better words than penis or vagina." Violet says, looking to Steve. "Don't worry Thor, we had to explain it to Steve too."
                    Steve sighs, smiling. "I'm never going to live that one down."
                   "How do you know it is a male?" Thor says confused.
                   "Dr. Cho has the equipment to see whether or not the baby is male or female." Violet lays her head on Steve's chest, Steve sighs. "Back in my day, we didn't have that type of technology."
                    "Speaking of back in the day—" Clint says quickly, "When are you two going to get married? Or are you?"
                    Violet looks to Steve, who stares off into the abyss in thought. He shakes his head, looking at his arrow shooting friend.
                    "I don't know, but I think we need to." Steve stares down at Violet's bulging stomach. "It's traditional and old fashioned but so is a lot of things."
                    "Well, before we all hear wedding bells, you have to decide on what to name this little first mate." Natasha says with a smirk like smile.
                     Steve and Violet smile as she taps her stomach and a hand print moves (above). Steve kisses his love's forehead.
                     "I was thinking of James." Steve says proudly, "Or maybe Joseph, after my father."
                     "What about Stark?" Thor says, "Why not Tony—or Thor?"
                    "That will not happen." Steve says with a smirk on his face.
                    "Name him squirmy, he likes to squirm." Clint takes out his phone.
                    "I am not naming my child Squirmy, Clint." Violet says serious, "I think I'll be the one to decide what to call him. I'll know it when I see him."
                     Everyone gives her a look. She looks up from her stomach, seeing their faces.
                     "What?" She says innocently.
                     "Isn't it the choice of the father to name his first born son?" Thor says confused.
                      Violet looks to Steve. "If this baby is actually a girl, and I don't believe he is—but you can name the baby if it's a girl, Steve. But I want to name the baby's if it's a boy. I want to name him whatever comes to my mind."
                      "As long as his name isn't Tony or something completely ridiculous—I'm okay with that deal." Steve says with a smile.
                       Natasha smiles, shrugging her shoulders. "And besides, if you have a boy or a girl this time, the other can always name your second kid. Whenever that is."
                       Steve's face goes grim. "I don't think I want to put Violet through this again. I don't."
                        "Well, besides the side effects to being pregnant, I would do this again."

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