Chapter 36: Our Son

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(Violet's POV)

I don't feel as heavy as I had before. My body isn't as heavy. I wait for the baby to move, to squirm as he had been for a couple days now. But I do not feel anything. I can feel my cells regrowing and shaping my body. I hear a machine like beeping and a distant cry. Could it be....

The sound of a door slamming makes me jump. I taste a metallic taste in my mouth. I lift my head up, only to go back down to cuddle into the sheets. The sheets smell like soap and sweat. Steve. Smiling, I drift back to sleep.

Pain pinches my stomach, a growling sound fills my ears. My back slightly hurts, past pain aches from before. But it's not that bad. A sharper pain pinches my stomach, making me groan as another growl like sound fills my ears. My eyes flutter open to nothing but darkness. I can feel as my face scrunches up. I prop myself up on my elbow. Why the hell is this room so damn dark? I sit up completely, feeling as if I had been hit hard my a tidal wave. My head throbs and I groan in pain.
"Jarvis?" My voice is hoarse, I have a disgusting metallic taste on my mouth. "What time is it?"
"It is 9:27 a.m., Miss Stark." Jarvis says, "How are you feeling?"
"Gross" I shiver, "and chilled."
"Shall I tell Mr. Stark you are up?" Jarvis says
I swing my legs over the bed. "No, he's probably too busy for me anyways."
I go to stand up but I ended up falling back down. I try again. My legs are wobbly, I use the bed for support. I manage to get over to the door. When I open the door, I am blinded by light. After my eyes get adjusted, I can see the hallway. I walk to my room, groggy as ever.
              I push my dorm room door open and clap my hands. The light doesn't come on. Strange. Quickly, I search for a light switch. My hand brushes up against a switch like object built on the wall. I flip the switch up, the light comes on. A gasp escapes my lips as I look at the room before me. Instead of my white room with purple hue lighting, the room is empty. White walls and vinyl flooring. I go to the closet, swinging it open. The closet is empty. Oh my, god. Where the hell are all my clothes?
                "Jarvis, where the hell is all my clothes?" I say angrily, "We're we robbed of something?"
                 "All of your clothes have been put in Captain Rogers room, Miss Stark." Jarvis says calmly, "Mr. Stark's orders."
                That pisses me off. I scoff and march my way back to Steve's room. As I enter Steve's room, I can't help but scream in frustration. Why had they moved my clothes into Steve's room? I've been sleeping with Steve for almost a year now and they've never even mentioned moving my stuff into his room. This really makes me mad. I walk into the dorm room and over to the closet, swinging it open. I can see that Steve's clothes are all on one side and mine are on the other. I grab a hoodie and skinny jeans, fuzzy socks to keep my ice cold feet warm. As I begin to undress, I realize something. My stomach is smaller. Flat.
               Everything comes rushing back to me. The elevator, the blood, Dr. Cho cutting me open to get the baby—the baby. My son. I quickly get dressed, making sure to dress warm. Once I put my high top converse on, I throw my hair up in a ponytail with a scrunchy. My feet are running down the hall. Where is my baby? Where is my son? When I arrive at the elevator, my palm slams against the up button. I groan as my joints ache. God, where is my baby boy? Is he okay? Did he survive? Where the hell Is Steve? Tony? Clint or Natasha? Thor, even? My heart races. Where is my child?
           The elevator door open, I rush inside.
            "Jarvis, where is everyone?" I shout panicking.
           "Mr. Stark and Miss Potts is in the dining room. Shall I tell them you are coming?" Jarvis responds, "Anything I can do for you?"
            "Yeah, make this elevator go up faster!" I repetitively slam the 5th floor button, trying to make the elevator go up faster
             My feet begin to pace back and forth in the elevator. I run a shaky hand through my hair. Right now, I would sell my soul just to find out what happened to my baby. God, what if he hadn't made it? Tears fall down my cheeks. I'll never be able to live with myself if something has happened to my child.
The elevator door opens, I rush out and look all around. The first person I see is Bruce. He's blending something in the blender, Natasha stands right beside him. She looks like she's flirting with him. Then I see Tony and Pepper sitting at dining room table. Am I having an out of body experience? Am I ghost whose trapped here on Earth until someone can bring me to the spirit world, or some shit like that?
"WHERE THE HELL IS MY BABY?!" I scream at the top of my lungs.
All eyes turn to me then. I must look like a crazy person, they all look at me with a wide eyes. I quickly march up up Tony, fire boiling inside me.
"Well, I can see the monster survived." Tony turns to Pepper, whose shaking her head at him.
I slam my hands down on the table, angry. Both Tony and Pepper jump, their eyes wide. Tony gives me a glare like look.
"Where the hell is my child? What's going on?" I growl angrily.
"He's fine, Vi." Pepper says gently, "Blue's fine."
I give Pepper a look. Blue? Who the hell is Blue?
"Who the hell is Blue?" I say confused.
"You and Captain Grandpa's baby, my grandson." Tony says, making me feel even more shook up. "And don't worry, he's with Rogers and Clint."
"Thor too." Natasha says from the other side of the breakfast nook.
I shake my head, trying to process this. They already named my baby? I thought Steve and I decided that I was going to name our baby? The fire starts to boil over, I can feel steam piping out of my ears. My fist begin to turn white. I turn around and start towards the elevator.
Suddenly, Bruce is in front of me. He holds me by my biceps, gently.
"Violet, we have to talk about something." Bruce says nervously, making me suspicious. "It's about Blue."
I cross my arms, anger apparent on my face. What have they done to my son besides name him after a damn color? I swear when I see Steve, I am chewing his ass out. He promised me! Steve promised me that I could name our child if it were a boy! And yet he went ahead and still named him. This angers me. No, I am not angry. I am full of rage. Pure, hot rage. Bruce takes a step back from me, cautious.
"Violet, just calm down before you bring the other guy into this." Bruce says cautiously. "We both know that's not what we need at this moment."
"Bruce, what is wrong with my baby?" I snap, rage boiling in my stomach.
Suddenly, the elevator dings and the door opens. I turn to see Thor, Clint and Steve all standing inside the elevator. Steve's eyes widen, as does Thor and Clint. In Steve's arms is a toddler. Probably around 2 or 3 years old. Where did that kid come from? Where the hell is my baby boy? I swear, if SHIELD got a hold of him...
"Oh, my god." Steve hands the kid over to Clint before rushing out of the elevator.
My hand starts towards Steve's face but his lips stop me. One of his hands wraps around me while the other holds my face as he tenderly kisses me. I push him away from me, my hands balled into white fist. I glare at Steve's who gives me a confused look.
"Ugh—Cap? I wouldn't stand too close to her." Tony's voice echoes behind me, "She wants to know where her son that you named Blue is."
Tony's using codes. Trying to warn Steve, but it's too late. I'm ready to scratch anyone's eyes out if I don't have my baby in the next 12 seconds.
"Where the hell is my baby, Rogers?" I snarl at him, my eyes like daggers. "And HOW DARE YOU NAME HIM AFTER YOU PROMISED ME?!"
"Violet, calm down!" Steve looks to Bruce, whose backing away slowly.
"No, I will not calm down! Now if you don't tell me where my baby is at in the next 12 seconds, I'm going to not only scratch your eyes out but cut your dick off as well!" I shout angrily, "Tell me, Rogers!"
Steve gives me an annoyed look. "If you'd shut your mouth, you'll find out."
I cross my arms, propping a hip impatiently. Steve looks behind him, motioning at Clint and Thor. Clint walks over with the kid in his arms. The kid looks at me with the bluest eyes I've ever seen. They remind me of Steve's.
"Steve, where's my son? Who is this kid?" I plea.
Clint lightly bounces the little kid, smiling down at him.
"Do you know who this is, Blue?" Blue? My heart begins to pound at Clint's words. "This is your mommy."
I look between Steve and Clint, looking for answers to this labyrinth they've put me through. What are they talking about? Who is this little boy? Why did Clint call him Blue? Where is my baby?
"Violet, this is Blue Buchanan Rogers." Steve says slowly, "Our son."


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