Chapter 19: Going Home!

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(Violet's POV)

                      After a long night in recovery, I am finally able to go home

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                      After a long night in recovery, I am finally able to go home. Stark Tower was almost fully rebuilt, considering that Tony's other Ironman robots/suits were partly building Stark Tower. As Tony checks me out of recovery, I stand outside with Thor. He has to go back to Asgard and talk to his father about the nature attacks on Earth. He believes Loki, his brother, may be behind it. I never met Loki, but I've heard Thor tell many stories about him and the rest of the Avengers hate him. Is it bad that I would actually consider meeting this guy? Probably. I kind of have a mini crush on somebody whom I've never met. Would Tony or Steve let me near somebody like that? You can bet your ass they wouldn't. I give Thor a hug, wishing he could stay. I can see Steve watching from afar on the helicrafter.
"Thor, I'm really going to miss you." I say sadly, "Maybe you can come back soon."
"I too wish that, Stark Jr., but I will only return when I have found answers." He nods to me, "Take care of yourself, now. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."
I chuckle. "Yeah, sure big guy."
"Until we meet again." Thor nods to me, I nod back.
"Until we meet again." I step back far enough to give Thor space.
Thor spins his hammer and then flies up into the air, being sucked into a rainbow like tunnel into the sky. I walk over to the helicraftor where Steve is. I wrap my arms around his torso, he smiles and stares out onto the parking lot. He's been acting weird after he left so Tony and I could talk. Last night he insisted that he stay with me even though Tony was going to be right there with me the whole night. I spent the night with my head on Steve's chest, listening to his heart race in his chest.
                       Tony comes out, in his sweats and sunglasses. He walks past Steve and I, into the helicrafter. He holds out his hand for the suit which builds around him. Steve kisses the top of my head and walks us into the helicraftor. Natasha and Clint are already in the pilot seat, talking. Bruce lays down on a mat, still napping. The team had stayed in here until I could go home, even Thor. I grin as I remember yesterday when Thor and I had went and looked at newborn babies that afternoon. That's when Steve had came looking for me, when he started acting weird.
                    I let go of Steve and walk over to Natasha and Clint, they are preparing for take off. I walk up, smiling. Clint turns and smiles back while Natasha ignores me.
                   "So Natasha, when are should going to spill the truth to Dr. Banner?" She turns and gives me a confused look. "You know, your ever dying love for him."
                   I make kissy faces, making Clint chuckle. Natasha gives me a glare and continues to ignore me. Giggling, I walk back over to Steve and Tony. I sit down in Steve's lap, which makes Tony roll his eyes and shifts in his seat. He's still getting used to me and Steve dating.
                 I sigh, smiling at the fact that I get to go home! That hospital was stuffy and old and disgusting. I still don't feel quite the same as I did before I got shot. I feel a power surging through my veins, making me feel stronger. Maybe it's all in my head, but I have a hunch the doctors proscribed me a special medication and that's why I have done so good in the past day. Steve kisses my forehead, adjusting me so I am sitting with my side to his chest. I stare out the pilot window, laying my head on Steve's chest. I watch as we fly through clouds, the sunlight shining in through the helicraftor. Before I know it, everything is dark and my mind is getting jumbled up with words I don't understand. But I can hear Steve's heartbeat and his voice. I'm safe, here in his arms. And that soothes me to sleep.

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