Chapter 25: Growing Pains

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(Violet's POV)

                       Okay, so my body is changing once again

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Okay, so my body is changing once again. It has to be. Pepper keeps telling me it's because I'm have another grow spirt. Well, Pepper, my first few grow spirts didn't feel this bad.
The morning after I had started my period, I had went to the bathroom as I always do first thing in the morning. But to my surprise, I had stopped bleeding. Weird. I couldn't help but think that was a short period. Then after a few days, my boobs started aching and cramping. I thought maybe my period was starting up again or maybe it hadn't finished as I had hoped. But two days after that, my energy was drained. Pepper said I had copped an attitude or whatever. I really have no idea what she means cause I do not have an attitude! Anyways, my bra size has changed and I am not happy about it—much. I could hardly sleep last night, my boobs hurt so bad.
This morning when I woke up, I was so nauseous I don't make it to the bathroom. I threw up on Steve's carpet. I had felt so weak and helpless, I could barely call out for Jarvis. Thank god, Pepper came to help me pick out my clothes for today. She wanted me to get out of Stark Tower and get some air and see people. But after having to call for someone to come clean up the vomit out of the carpet, Pepper decided to let me sleep in. And thank god she did, all my energy is gone.

I walk down to the kitchen to grab me something to eat, starving as can be. My cell rings in my sweatpants pocket, I take it out to see a picture of Happy. I answer it immediately.
"Hey, Happy." I say tiredly, "What's up?"
"Tony wanted you to tell me what you want for your birthday." He says over the phone, "He's busy at the moment."
Suddenly, my mouth spits out venom. I can feel heat in my cheeks, my mouth moving as the words fly out of my mouth.
"Tony is always busy, Happy. He's too busy being Ironman and being there for everyone else but me!" I can hear the echo in my voice, the anger and screaming. "I-I'm sorry, Happy. I didn't mean to scream at you, I kind of blacked out for a second."
Happy hangs up on me, leaving me feeling embarrassed for my actions. What had came over me? I've only ever lashed out at one other person before and that was 9 days ago. What is going with me? Hormones? I've never experienced this kind of grow spirt before.
When I finally get to the dining hall, after crying from my lashing out at one of Tony's friends, who I think of as an Uncle just to add salt to my wound, I go straight for the fridge. I see a mango and banana smoothie sitting next to Pepper's lunch. I grab the cup of smoothie and walk to the counter. The banana leaves a disgustingly dry taste in my mouth, the mango giving it a bitter flavor. But it's yummy in my tummy at this point (pardon my annoying phrase!). Suddenly the elevator doors open and in walks Pepper. She has a frown on her face and her heels click hard against the floor. When she walks up to me, her arms cross.
"Vi, Happy just called me and told me you yelled at him." Pepper says, a mixture of anger and annoyance in her voice. "Is that true?"
"Yes—but I apologized." I say sympathetically, "Pepper, I don't know what happened to me! It was like—"
"Is that a banana mango smoothie?" Pepper says with a confused look on her face . "You hate bananas and mangos. Especially when put together in a smoothie."
"Yes, I do." I nod my head.
Pepper stays quiet for a few minutes, looking at me for a long time. Eventually she clears her throat and crosses her arms. She looks concerned.
"Violet, is this about Tony forgetting your birthday? For always leaving you? Steve, perhaps?" Her words blow my mind and fire spits out of my mouth.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't bring Tony or Steve into this!" I snap, " I apologized to Happy and he hung up on me."
"Well, Tony wants to talk to you." I've never seen Pepper act so rude to me. "You and him will have a talk whenever he gets home."
"And when will that be?"
Pepper doesn't answer me, she just walks to the elevator. Her red heels click against the floor, ignoring me. Anger builds inside me, filling my mouth with poisonous words. I spit them out when I can't hold my tongue anymore.
"You know, Pepper, you need to stop trying to replace my mother. You'll never be her." I say coldly, "I'll never see you as my mother."
Pepper slows down, her stomping heels begin to make light clicking sounds. I hit a nerve. Not only Pepper's, but mine as well. I should apologize, I should be on my knees asking for forgiveness. But my pride consumes me and I'm swallowed up into an ugly mess. I wish Tony hadn't found me when he had. I wish that guy would have finished me off. If I could only turn back time, I would undo what has been done and I wouldn't be changing.

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