Chapter 17: What? What?

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(Violet's POV)

              Something weird is happening

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Something weird is happening. I woke up only a few minutes ago to hear that I had been shot only 4 and a half hours ago, and yet, I feel like I could crush mountains. Did they put too much medicine in my baggy thing? Or am I just dreaming? I was doing so well that I was able to get up and get into the shower with little help. Shouldn't I be in pain? Tubes sticking out of my body like an experimental rat? Something doesn't feel right. It doesn't sound right, in my mind or when I repeat the doctors words.
I wash the blood and grime from my body, feeling disgusted as blood drips down onto the drain. I try to remember the last thing before I blacked out, which was the sound of Tony's voice. I am here in a hospital, so he must have finally found me. Took him long enough! I had laid my extra pair of clothes I had in my backpack onto the bed for when I change. The doctor says I can't leave today, but I can tomorrow—which is a record for bullet wound patients. But I can at least change out of that ratty hospital gown for the time being. Turning the water off, I finally step out of the shower. I feel refreshed and clean, something I haven't felt in two days. Wrapping the towel around my thin body, I open the bathroom door and take a step out with steam behind me like fog.
"Hey, sweet—" Tony's voice echoes through the room
My eyes immediately go up, shock goes through my entire body. My hands grip the towel tighter to me as I realize how many men are in the room. And suddenly aware of how naked I am under this small towel. My boyfriend, my male friends, and Natasha ...oh shit. Their eyes all look up at me, their eyes growing wide like mine. Steve gives me a look, one that says 'damn' (below).

                       "What the hell you guys?!" I scream, holding the towel tighter on me "Nat, can you please hand me my clothes before I drop this towel?"                      Natasha smirks

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"What the hell you guys?!" I scream, holding the towel tighter on me "Nat, can you please hand me my clothes before I drop this towel?"
Natasha smirks. "Only if you say please, kid."
I roll my eyes. "Okay, fine. Please."
"That didn't sound real, but I'll give it to you anyways cause your towel is slipping." Natasha grabs my clothes and throws it at me.
I almost drop my towel trying to catch them, the guys look either to the ground or to the ceiling to avoid looking at me. Even Steve, whose cheeks have turned a perfect shade of pink. I quickly rush into the bathroom and get dressed. That was so damn embarrassing, oh my god! Well, now they know what I look like half naked. The thought makes me cringe. I get dressed in my band tee, spare hoodie, and jeans, tying my converse high tops. My hair automatically goes up into a ponytail. When I step out, everyone still remains in their spots. They smile at me then, mostly out of the awkwardness from before.
Thor smiles at me, walking over. His cape sways as he walks, a detail I will never forget. I begin to hug his torso, because I'm so damn small, when he picks me up and nearly crushes me with a bear hug.
"Stark Jr., I have miss you so!" Thor says with a priceless smile.
"I've miss you too, big guy!" I say as I'm nearly crushed in his strong arms.
                       "Thor, she's turning purple!" Bruce exclaims, worried. "Come in, she was shot 5 hours ago."
                       I let out a small chuckle. "At least I won't turn green, Brucey."
                        Thor sets me down, I grab onto the bed railing to catch my balance. I let out shaky breaths, thinking about how I've missed those hugs.
                       Bruce comes over and gives me a side hug. He must be trying to go easy on me since I was shot earlier. That sentence makes absolutely no sense. Then suddenly I am slapped hard on the back and hugged tightly. Not at right as Thor of course, but all the same. Clint shoves something into my hoodie pocket, he leans into my ear.
                        "Shh, don't tell Bruce!" Clint whispers. (I love Clint, I swear to you 😂)
                        "What?" Bruce says curiously.
                        Clint parts our hug and turns around to face Bruce, scratching the back of his head. I quickly take a peak at the thing Clint gave me. It's a Cheetos snack. YAS! I swear, me and Clint nearly have the same taste when it comes to snacks. I quickly stuff it into my pocket and look up, seeing Natasha shaking her head mischievously at us. Clint shrugs his shoulders at Bruce.
                          "What?" Clint and Bruce have a confused stare down before walking out of the room. "See ya later, kid!"
                           I cross my arms and look at Natasha. She glares at me annoyed.
                          "I don't do hugs."
                          "Now Natasha, don't be that bitch at 7:30 in the morning." I mimic her, receiving a glare her way. "But thank you."
                           Natasha raises her eyebrows and sighs, standing to her feet. "Tony's outside calling Pepper. He'll probably want to talk to you when he gets in."
                            And with that, Natasha is gone. There is only one more person in the room I have not hugged. My eyes lock with Steve's, who smiles at me. Just looking into his blue yes make me feel getty, child like. I rush over to him with my arms open wide. Steve hoist me up, I wrap a leg around his thick waist and my arms around his neck. His arm, that is across my back, holds me closer to him as his hand holds me up by my ass. We lightly sway as we stare into each other's eyes.
"How come I'm the last person who gets to hold you?" He says with a small smile.
                   "Because I always save the best for last, Rogers." I say cheesily, giggling.
                    I kiss Steve with all I have. Love, fear, hope, relief—all poured into that kiss. He taste like stale coffee, which makes me want to devour him. My hand plays with the smaller hairs on the back of his neck. His hand on my ass lightly squeezes, making me squeal with happiness. Steve leans his forehead on my mouth and chin, holding me close to him. Someone clears their throat.
                   We look over to see Tony standing in the doorway, glaring at Steve in annoyance. Typical dad's reaction to his 21 year old daughter and his coworker kissing. Steve sets me down, thank god his hands never leave my ass. Especially when Tony is standing right there.
                    "Rogers, get your hands off of my daughters ass. I need to talk to her alone." Tony's tone doesn't sound warm or sarcastic. It sounds formal and that I am about to get told bad news. "We have a lot to talk about."
                    I gulp as Steve kisses my temple gently before walking out. Leaving me and the man I've been trying to contact for a while now alone. Tony.

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