Chapter 14: Those Who Answer The Call

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(Violet's POV)

                  I saw them land a few blocks back

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                  I saw them land a few blocks back. I have to get there. They must have came for me! Did they? Who cares? I'm alone in this city and I need to be rescued. I have a nasty cut on the palms of my hands that are getting infected. The door starts to pull up on the helicraftor, that's when I start screaming.
                   "Hey! Hey, wait up!" I scream, waving my arms. "Dad wait!"
                  My heart races and my legs pump harder as I run towards them. Hope fills my chest at the thought of them being so close. Being with the people I love again. The thought overwhelms me. But as I come around the corner, the helicrafter lifts up, flying away. No! I rush out onto the street, waving my arms. Suddenly, I trip and fall over a broken piece of building. I topple to the ground. Tears fall down my cheeks.
                   "Daddy! Steve! Bruce!" I scream loudly, sobbing. "Thor..."
                   I put my elbows on my knees, sobbing. The heliocrafter is long gone now, flying off and I'm too slow to stop it.
"Damn it!" My scream echoes
What am I to do? Nausea flows over my body, making me bend over to hurl. I spit vomit out as I realize how lost I am. I had my chance and blew it! Where have they gone? When will they be back? They have to fix New York up again, right? Yes, I am. But where would they—then it hits me. Hard. There are only a few places where Tony would go. Either to his mansion in California or to SHIELD. And I'm betting on SHIELD. Only if I had SHIELD's number, I could call them. Damn it Via! Why in the hell did I have to drop my phone? Ugh! Maybe I can go back to Stark Tower. Maybe I can find something—anything to help me.

The day is getting dark as night rolls in, the air is getting much more chilly. I search through the destroyed building. I manage to find one of Happy's coats, putting it over my shoulder to keep me warm while I look around. Tony wouldn't of had anything such as SHIELD's phone number lying around anywhere for anyone to get it. Oh no, that would be way too easy. I manage to find stairs and walk up them. I get to the sleeping quarters. Happily, I rush to my room. I go to my closet and change. Yes, it is very stupid of me to change in the dark while being the only living being in New York City. Yes, I must change my clothes into something more warm. I put on a black, long-sleeve shirt under a thick hoodie and other skinny jeans, my high top converse. Then after I get changed, I go to my bathroom and try to turn on the sink, water burst out of the faucet into the floor. I take several steps back, regretting all my decisions. I grab a ponytail and my comb, pulling my hair up into a ponytail. I put Happy's coat on over my hoodie.
                 A thought pops into my mind. I rush over to my closet, finding my backpack. I grab another outfit, stuffing it inside the bag. Then I grab the photo album I have made of my new life with Tony and the Avengers. I stuff it into my backpack along with more ponytails and my hairbrush. What else should I bring? Maybe I can sneak into the kitchen on the floor above me and steal some of Bruce's snacks. He always has the best snacks, Clint and I always steal them. I miss them. I miss my boys. And Natasha, sort of. Anything is better than this.
                   Suddenly, I remember our first line of defense. I look to the ceiling, hoping Jarvis will answer.
"Jarvis?" I wait for an answer, "Jarvis, can you hear me?"
"Y-Yes, Miss Stark?" I cheer, jumping up and down happily.
Suddenly, the floor collapse, making me fall with it. I let out a yelp as I fall to the lobby floor. I am covered in dust and ash, disgusted. My body is sore and cold. Happy's coat is ripped and ruined. I throw it to the side.
"M-Miss Stark, are y-you alright? Do I n-need to contact a do-doctor?"
"No—Yes!" I stop myself, grunting. "Jarvis, call Tony! Call Mr. Stark!"
"Yes, Miss Stark." Jarvis dials Tony's number, "I'm sorry, Miss Stark, but Mr. Stark is busy."
                    "Jarvis, call SHIELD." I demand, wincing at the pain in my hands.
                    "I'm sorry, only Mr. Stark is able to access—" I am tired of shit not going my way today. I snap.
                    "Override it, dammit!" I scream, crying in pain.
                    "Alright, Miss Stark." Then Jarvis dials SHIELD's number, "I'm sorry, Miss Stark but SHIELD headquarters are busy. Anyone else you'd like to call?"
                    I think long and hard on who to call. Tony won't pick up. Steve and Thor doesn't a phone—yet. Honestly, I don't think Bruce does either. And I know Clint and Natasha does, but I can remember their numbers. Who on this god green earth can I call for help? Happy? No. Chasity? Hell no! That bitch left me to die!
                    "Jarvis, call Pepper." I shiver from the cold, "Call Miss Potts! Hurry!"
                    "Alright, Miss Stark." Jarvis dials Pepper's number.
                    Suddenly the whole building echoes with Pepper's voice.
                    "Hello? Tony? Are you there?" Pepper's voice is heaven to my ears, tears flow down my face.
                     "Pepper!" I shout.
                     "Oh my, god! Violet!" Pepper cries on the other end, her words echoing throughout the city. "We've all been so worried! Are you hurt? Where are you?"
                      "Pepper, I need you to call Tony! I'm in Stark Tower." My body begins to shiver hard, "It's freezing and I'm bleeding."
                      "Why didn't you just call him?" Pepper says concerned.
                      "I tried—twice! I left him a voicemail and he still hasn't picked up. I even called SHIELD! But everyone is busy and I'm alone in this city. I'm scared." I shiver, going to Happy's desk. "I want Steve. I'm alone in this city. It's deserted!"
                       "Okay, I will call Tony. And if that doesn't work, I'll call Clint." Pepper says assuringly, "Violet, stay put."
                        I look up at the ceiling confused. "Does Tony have a heater installed suit laying around that you know of?"
                        "Violet. Rose. Stark. Stay put!" The line gets disconnected.
                      "Jarvis, dial for Clint Barton." I look to the ceiling.
                      "Alright, Miss Stark." Jarvis dials Clint's number.
                      "I'm sorry, Miss Stark but Mr. Barton—" Jarvis starts.
                      "—is busy. I'm not at all surprised." I say annoyed, "Call Romanoff, then."
                      Jarvis dials Natasha's number for me. I sit down in Happy's chair, rummaging through his desk. He just has papers inside, so boring. Wait, there's a small box inside. I grab it.
                       The phone picks up, I can hear it. But no one says anything.
                       "Natasha?" I call out, looking to the ceiling.
                       "Violet, is that you?" The sound of Natasha's voice makes me smile, surprisingly. "Hello?"
                        "Yes, yes! I'm here!" I stand up, rushing to the center of the room, "I'm here Natasha!"
                        "Violet, where the hell are you? We've been looking everywhere for you kid!" She says surprisingly concerned.
                         "I'm in New York. You guys left me." I cross my arms, posing sassily. "I called out for you guys to stop but you never stopped."
                         "Well, we may have not heard you." I can feel Natasha's eye roll.
                         "Obviously." I say annoyed, "Anyways, I'm at Stark Tower. I contacted Pepper, she's supposed to call Tony or Clint. But I even called both of them and nobody is answering."
                           "We searched all of New York City, Violet. How did we miss you?" Natasha says surprised.
                           "I don't know, I was pretty obvious." I shrug, "But I need one of you guys to come get me. I'm alone in this city and I'm scared!"
                            "Violet, you'll be fine." The annoyance in Natasha's voice, I swear I'm going to beat he done day. "Steve's been—"
                            "Steve? Is he there?"

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