Chapter 6: Pink and Ed Sheeran

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It was now Saturday and I hadn't gone to school since Monday. After the bar on Tuesday I had hardly left my room. I left once a day to go to a liquor store at the edge of town the get alcohol.

I've been lying to Amanda and Darren saying I had the stomach flu and had to stay home. Which isn't completely a lie I had been throwing up a lot but it wasn't because of the stomach flu. Whenever Amanda would leave I would too.

She had to fly back to Buffalo for the weekend and Darren and Carly had some youth retreat to go to for the YMCA. I was home alone all weekend.

No I wasn't going to throw a party well unless you count a pity party. It was currently 10 am and I already had enough drinks to get me tipsy.

I was laying on the couch in the living room with a bottle of vodka resting on my stomach and a cigarette in my mouth. It was an extra hot day so I had the air conditioning temperature really low and I was in just shorts and a sports bra. My hair thrown messily in a pony tail.

Every few minutes I would take a swig off the vodka bottle. The ceiling was started to spin a little as I could feel the same feeling of all my pain going away. I could feel the alcohol going through my body. I felt numb.

The doorbell rang taking me out of that numb feeling. I slowly got up making my way towards the door.

I open the door to see Jett and the rest of the Scooby gang. I groaned really loud and shut the door. Can a girl drink in peace? The doorbell rang immediately again over and over again. I open the door annoyed. They all looked at me confused and slightly concerned.

"Brooke are you drunk?" Jett asked.

"What does it matter to you?"

"Brooke it's 10 in the morning and your drunk." He exclaimed.

"Oh boo who." I said doing crying gestures with my hands. Felicity gasped and everyone else was just quiet and it couldn't be because of my come back. Haley was the first to do something. I was still confused as she came up and grabbed my arm and turned it up so she could see. 4 dark red/purple fresh scars across my arm.

Nobody spoke for a minute. I didn't know what to do. The one thing that I didn't want them to know they knew because my dumbass didn't bother to put a sweater on.

I ripped my arm away and went back to my spot on the couch. Before I could grab the bottle Jett had grabbed it. He walked to the kitchen and poured it down the drain. Haley followed him into the kitchen.

Still nobody spoke. Jett and Haley were in the kitchen. Felicity and Jax were just sitting around in the living room.

We were just sitting in silence and it was starting to get creepy. Haley and Jett came back out of the kitchen. Haley set down a cup of coffee and a glass of water.

She didn't say anything she just sat next to me and hugged me. The whole time I've known Haley I've never seen her hug anybody.

"You don't need to tell us anything just know that we love you." She spoke quietly in my ear as she hugged me. I wrapped my arm around her to hug her back. I started to cry. Maybe it was because of the alcohol or it was because that's the first time I've had friends tell me they loved me.

A few minutes later we broke the hug. I still felt a little buzzed from the alcohol so I started drinking the coffee they had made. Jett was still standing so he came and sat on the other side of me. Felicity went on Netflix on the tv and turned on a movie.
I woke up and I was laying in Jett's lap. I must've fallen asleep during the movie. I looked around the room. Haley was on her phone, Jax was passed out, and Felicity was watching the movie still. I looked up at Jett and he just smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and sat up.

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