Chapter 10: Boyfriend?

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Jax and I decided we were gonna go to LA. It was an hour away and I hadn't even got to see the city. I saw parts of it when I was in the taxi after I got of the plane but that's it.

On the way there we listened to music but he didn't sing along with me like Jett did. Why even now when I wasn't even near him was I thinking about Jett?

Is it his incredibly adorable smile or the way he makes me laugh. His stupid cheese cubes and amazing body. His beautiful brown eyes.

Get a grip on yourself. He doesn't even like me if he did he would have asked me to be his girlfriend already right?

"We're here." Jax said as he pulled into a parking lot. I let him drive my car because he knew where we were going.

I looked up and saw we were at Walmart.

"Why are we at Walmart?" I asked confused.

"To get supplies." He said.


"Just wait in the car and I'll be back."

A little over 10 minutes later he came back to the car. He had a bag of things.

He sat in the car and set the bag in my lap. I dug through the bag and started pulling things out.

There was a polaroid camera and the films, a bag of Milky Way's, a bag of pull apart twizlers, and a pack of gum.

"What is all this?" I asked.

"Polaroid's for pictures and the candy is to eat duh."

He opened the twizlers and took one out and took a bite out of it.

"What the heck are you doing?!" I asked.


"You're supposed to pull them apart not just take a bite out of the whole thing!"

"What does it matter?"

"It just does you monster" I said and then he just took another bite making sure I saw it. I groaned and to one out for myself and started pulling it apart before I ate it. Like you're supposed to.

We ended up going to Holly Wood boulevard first. We went and saw all our favorite celebrities stars and took polaroids by them. We checked out all shops and everything we thought was interesting.

We took polaroids all through the city. Every colored wall or pretty site we saw we got a picture in front of it. We even got stranger to take pictures of us together.

We ended up getting hungry and going to McDonald's and Starbucks. I got chicken nuggets and fries from McDonald's and a pink drink from Starbucks. Jax got a Big Mac and and ice coffee.

We were sitting in my car and eating our food. As I was putting a fry in my mouth Jax took a picture of me so I threw a fry at him.

We decided that we were gonna go to the fair that's near by.

We went and started playing games and trying to win prize. I went to buy some cotton candy while Jax was still playing games determined to win a prize better than a keychain.

While I was standing in line someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Jax and he had a giant stuffed duck in his arms.

"I won!" He said excitedly.

"Oh my gosh that thing is big." I said laughing. He could hardly hold the duck in his arms.

"It's for you." He said with a cheesy smile and handed me the duck.

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