Chapter 25: Girls just wanna have fun

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"Hey guess what guys?!" Jax said excitedly coming into our band practice.

"What?" Haley asked.

"I got us a gig! It's at the bar that I go to all the time. I basically had to sleep with the owner to get it to happen but we got it."

"What do you mean by you basically had to sleep with the owner?" I asked.

"Let's just say it had to do with a blow job and a lot of ass grabbing."

"Epic. Proud of you dude." Haley said giving him a high five and laughing. I rolled my eyes at her.

I looked over at Felicity and she was fidgeting with her sleeves and doing everything she could not to look at Haley.

"Well since Jax basically sold his body for this show let's kick some ass at it." Jett said jokingly and just like Felicity was doing I avoided all eye contact with him since last week.

"Let's just get started." I said awkwardly.

I made plans to meet with Jeremy for breakfast. We were meeting at some cafe he sent me the address for.

I don't really know why I dressed really cute and did my hair and make up really nice for this. I was just catching up with an old friend.

"Hey." I said when I walked over to the table he was sitting at. He stood up when he saw me and gave me a hug.

"How have you been?" He asked as we sat.

"I've been doing good. Busy but good. What about you?" I asked with a smile.

"Busy but good." He said smiling back at me.

"How's UCLA treating you?" He asked.

"It's going pretty good."

"That's good. What's your major?"


"Me too. Are you taking Intro to Psych with Professor Taylor?" He asked.


"He was my favorite last year. I don't have any of his classes this semester but he's amazing."

"That's good to know."

We talked about random things as we ate. It was nice catching up and talking with him. I felt normal for once. I wasn't that broken girl with him. I was just me.

He walked me to my car and we said goodbye.

"Wait. I have a show tonight at Midnight the bar by school, you should come."

"I'll be there." He said with a smile before he walked away.

We were about go on and I looked around and Jeremy still wasn't here. It's whatever though right?

"Alrighty guys let's give it up for Totally Generic!"

"Alright let's go." Haley said as she walked on to the small stage the bar had.

"Let's start with Wait a Minute then go on to Misery Business then Somebody to you." I said to them then made my way to the microphone.

"The guys agree with you our band name kinda sucks but hopefully we don't." I joked. There was a ripple of laughs.

They started playing. I counted my beats until I had to sing.

"Wait a minute. I think I left my conscience on your front doorstep, oh wait a minute I think I left my consciousness in the sixth dimension but I'm here right now, right now, right now, right now. Just sitting in a cloud, oh wow. I'm here right now, right now with you, oh wow, oh wow..."

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