Chapter 23: All I Want

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"Class of 2018 please move your tassels to the left." Felicity said as she was our valedictorian
The whole crowd moved did as she said.

"We're graduated!" She shouted into the microphone and threw her cap. Everyone in our class did too and balloons and confetti fell all around us.

I ran and jumped into Jax's arms.

"Jax we did it!" I yelled.
Multiple pictures were taken and we were at the school still hours later. We were finally all leaving ofand had to change quickly as Daniel's and Emma's wedding was in 3 hours.

Earlier Emma quickly got pictures with Jax and I and left to go get ready fo her wedding. They didn't plan on having their wedding on graduation but they had already sent out invitations and the graduation date got changed.

As I was walking to my car to get to the church someone stopped me. It was Luke. We just looked at each other for a minute. We hadn't talked since prom. 2 weeks without him was like hell.

"I'm leaving today. My plane leaves at 7:30."He finally said.

"Oh." I said. My heart lurched. Why I wanted to say I wasn't going to so I stuck with saying nothing.

"I just wanted to say goodbye." He said.

"Yeah." I said. He hesitated but then wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I smelt his all so familiar aftershave that smelled like vanilla and coffee. I didn't want to let go of him but I did.

"Goodbye Brooke."

"Goodbye Luke."

Chelsea, a girl named Rosalie Emma's maid of honor, and I were all getting ready in a room with Emma. We all had these simple maroon bridesmaid dresses.

Emma had her make up and hid down and all she had to do was get into her dress

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Emma had her make up and hid down and all she had to do was get into her dress. There was 25 minutes until the ceremony. All of us bridesmaids were ready and helped her into her dress.

Eventually we were all ready. Us bridesmaid went out and stood up in front of the church were Daniel and the groomsmen were waiting. Jax looked handsome. He was Daniel's best man. I winked at him and he did it back and I giggled a little.

The organ started playing and everybody stood up and faced the aisle.

Emma looked so happy and graceful as we walked down the aisle, her and her dad arm in arm. I felt sad for a moment realizing that my dad would never be able to walk me down the aisle.

Once they got to the front of the church where Daniel was standing her dad let go of her arm and kissed her on the cheek. Daniel grabbed her hand. They said their vows and gave each other their rings.

"Now you may kiss the bride." The pastor said and they kissed.

I was happy for them but I didn't feel all that happy myself. I had this sick feeling in my stomach ever since I talked to Luke earlier.
The band and I were on stage at their reception playing music. All of it was sappy love songs and it was making the pit in my stomach grow. I continued singing because it was Daniel's wedding.

Jett and I were singing a duet. 'Team' by MAX and Noah Cyrus. All the songs made me think of Luke.

Once the song was over I needed a break. Felicity took over singing and I went and got water.

"Honey are you okay?" Daniel's and Jax's mom Gina asked me.

"I'm fine just a little nauseous." I said which was true.

"Oh I hope you feel better. You have an amazing voice and I just love hearing you sing." She said.

"Thank you."

The whole band ended up taking a break and music was played through the speakers. I sat at a table as everyone was dancing and laughing. I wasn't really in the mood.

Emma and Daniel came over to me and I stood up.

"I'm so happy for you guys." I said and hugged both of them at the same time.

"Oh thanks." Emma said.

"I can't wait for this buddy to come out." I said putting my hand on her stomach.

Emma and Daniel said they didn't want to know what gender or even if there was more than one. They wanted a surprise.

"Me too." Emma said and we laughed.

They walked away after talking to me for a little bit and then I had to go back on stage.

We started the song.

"All I Want is nothing more than to hear you knocking on my door 'Cause if I could see your face once more, I could die as a happy girl I'm sure. When you said your last goodbye, I died a little bit inside. I lay in tears in bed all night, Alone without you by my side. But If you loved me, Why did you leave me. Take my body, Take my body. All I want is, All I need is, To find somebody,I'll find somebody, like you, like you
Ooh oh, Ooh oh, Ooh oh, Ooh oh."

I could feel my stomach twist and turn in pain as I sung. I could feel the tears streaming down my face. I didn't walk off the stage I just kept singing.

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