Chapter 8: Sleepover

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It had been almost a week. Jett and I decided that we would keep our relationship private for now. The sneaking around was fun. I felt like Romeo and Juliet but I still wasn't sure what our relationship was. Were we dating? I had no idea but I didn't want to ruin whatever it was going on by asking him if we were a couple.

I had spoken to Jessica on the phone everyday. Our band had been practicing almost everyday too. We wanted to get good enough to get a gig.

I told Amanda about my relapse. She cried a lot. She was supportive as always and took me to another AA meeting.

Today was Friday and currently Jett and I were cuddled on my bed watching Riverdale on my laptop.

"Jett what are we?" I asked. My head was resting on his chest so I turned it upwards to look at him.

"What?" He asked pausing the show. I sat up.

"I mean like what are we? What is this?" I said gesturing to back and forth between us.

"It's..." He started but was interrupted by a knock on my door. I quickly jumped up and gestured him towards the balcony. He quickly got up and went out the balcony.

"Once second." I called out and I shut the balcony door and closed the curtains. I walked over and opened my door. Haley and Felicity were standing there. They had a bunch of things in their arms.

"Girls night!" Felicity squealed.

"What?" I was so confused.

"Amanda set it up. She wanted you to have some company this weekend since last week you kinda went off the rails." Haley explained.

Ugh. I was finally going to get an answer from Jett about our relationship. Now I have to wait through this whole sleepover.

"Tonight's gonna be great!" Felicity said excitedly.
We had painted our toenails and we were currently letting them dry. We had avocado face masks on and Felicity had her sleepover playlist playing which consisted mainly of the Spice Girls and Taylor Swift.

"At the diner last weekend what was that about?" I asked both of them. I've been curious all week. They haven't really talked much but they haven't really seemed like they were angry at each other and it's been like this all week.

"Nothing." Haley and Felicity said at the same time. I didn't pry further because it didn't seem like they wanted me too but I was curious.

My phone vibrated and I checked and it was a text from Jess.

So did you guys dtr yet?

Earlier I told Jess that I had Jet rover and I was gonna ask him if we were in a relationship but that kind of got interrupted.

Didn't get the chance. Got interrupted by a surprise girls night.

Text him

Doesn't that seem you know a little careless?

Well do you wanna know or do you wanna sit there in your undying curiosity wondering whether or not he's your boyfriend?

I mean I feel like that's a conversation to have in person...

What if it doesn't go the way you're hoping would you really want it to be in person then?

I honestly don't know...

Well that's for you to decide then.

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