Chapter 17: Luke

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"Lukas?" I asked.

"Brooke can you come get m-me... I'll explain when you get here." He said but he sounded out of breath and his voice was high pitched. Almost as if he was crying. Was he crying?

"Yeah where are you?" I didn't bother to question anything just yet. There was something about the way he was talking.

"I... I'm at the gas station on 4th street."

"Ok I'll be there in a minute."

"Please hurry." There was a sound of urgency in his voice.

He hung up the phone. I didn't bother to change or anything. I slipped on some slippers and ran downstairs. I still had my face mask on and everything.

"Where are you going?" Amanda asked when I got to the bottom of the stairs.

"I don't necessarily know." I said.

"What? Why are you going out like that?"

"I've got to go I'll explain when I get back. I promise because I don't even know what's happening or why I'm even going. Why am I going? I don't know." I said out loud.

"Hun are you okay?" She asked looking at me weirdly.

"Yeah I gotta go." I said and ran out the door to my car.

I didn't know how but I had this feeling that it was an emergency.

I got to the gas station and I didn't see him. Suddenly I see him come out from behind it. He was holding the hand of a girl that was probably around 11 and in his arm was a little boy probably around 6 or 7.

As they got closer I saw that Lukas was bleeding. As they were walking to the car another car came speeding into the parking lot and skidded to a stop. Lukas set the little boy down.

"Go get in that car over there. Now!" Lukas told them and pointed to my car. They ran over to my car and got in.

"What's going on?" I asked them they didn't answer they just looked scared. The boy started crying. I looked at the girl and she had a giant bruise on her face.

"Lukas!" The man in the other car yelled. Lukas ran to my car and jumped in.

"Brooke drive!" He yelled and I squealed, put my car in drive, and stepped on the gas.

The man in the car was right behind us.

"Lukas what the hell is going on?!" I yelled.

"Just drive! Fast." He yelled. I turned the corner and then turned again right into a car wash. They car wash wasn't on I didn't have time to pay we were just hiding in it.

"Lukas who the hell was that guy?"

"I'll explain later."

"Later why later?" I asked. All he did was look back at the kids that were in the back and now that I look at them again they look a lot like Lukas. They're his siblings.

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked.

"I don't know." He said putting his head into his hands.

He look so... lost. Lost in thought. He looked hurt and angry.

"We'll go to my house." I said and drove out of the car wash. The guy would be gone by now.

Once we got home Amanda came outside probably wondering about my weird behavior. She gasped when she saw all the blood on Lukas then she saw the little kids and the blood  on the boys shirt. It wasn't the boys blood, it was Lukas's.

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