Chapter 28: Best Mistake

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I spent the next few days in my room writing music or watching tv with Jax. After everything that happened with Luke and Jett I just needed a few chill days.

Well everything was chill until I made one of the best mistakes i've ever made.

Jax was gone. He was spending the night with Ian. It seems that since the other night they were rekindling. I was in the kitchen and I couldn't reach the cereal on top of the fridge so I grabbed a chair to reach it. That's when I saw it. It was Jax's alcohol stash that he hid so i wouldn't be able to see it. I knew he had it I just asked him to make sure he hid it.

I stared at it for a moment. Every part of me wanted to grab it.

It's not oxy or heroin how bad could it be? A thought rolled through my head.

I grabbed the bottle of tequila.

It felt natural as I poured myself a shot and took it.

It's not drugs. I kept saying to myself.

An hour later and the full bottle of tequila was half way gone. I played music asI danced around the living room. There wasn't any voice in my head telling me I was fucking up. I didn't have so much guilt and shame I was trying to hide. I felt good for the first time in awhile.

I panicked when I heard a knock on the door.

I turned down the music and went and answered the door. It was Haley.

"Haley..." I tried not to slur but I did a little bit. I don't think she noticed because she seemed drunker than I was and she was crying.

"Woah what's wrong?" I asked.

"Felicity has a new girlfriend." She said as she came in and sat on my couch. She took out a flask from her jacket and took a swig.

"Oh. Aren't you guys broken up?" I asked.

"Yeah because I proposed to her and she said no then broke up with me."

"Oh damn." I said.

"I don't know why I came here. I'm just drunk and Jett is tired of hearing me complain about Felicity."

"It's okay Haley." I said.

"Are you okay?" She asked staring at me.

"I fucked up." I said putting my head in my hands.

"What?" She asked

"I found Jax's alcohol stash and I drank just a lil... well actually a lot."

"Oh shit that is bad." She said and I laughed. Then she started laughing.

"So we're both drunk." She laughed. We were both laughing hysterically.

"Let's just dance." I said. I turned the music back up and poured Haley and I each a shot of tequila.

We were dancing together in on the couch acting like idiots. The song Dangerous Women came on. We both were singing and dancing up against each other.

Suddenly we both stopped singing. We just looked at each other for a second then she kissed me. I immediately kissed her back and wrapped my arms around her so my hands were on the small of her back.

I fell back on the sofa and she landed on me. I helped her take off her shirt then I took off mine. She started kissing down my neck and chest.

She was amazing at this.

I woke up and my head was throbbing. I was naked in my bed and there was someone next to me. The memories of last night ran through my head.

Oh my god.

"Yeah I said the same thing." Haley said. I said that out loud. I sat up in my bed and turned to face her.

"We?" I said still processing it.

"Yup." She said.

"Woah." I said memories still coming into my mind. I can't believe that i drank. I can't believe i slept with Haley. I can't believe that that was probably the best sex i've probably ever had.

"Did I break like your girl on girl sex virginity?" Haley asked.

"Surprisingly no." I said and she smiled at me.

"Okay so I wasn't just like something you wanted to try as like a college girl thing."

"No." I said.

"Good cause that was really good." She said with a smile slowly moving closer to me until she was inches away from me.

"It was wasn't it?" I said then closed the distance between us by kissing her.

She flipped us over so that she was on top of me.

"Brooke I swear to god if I come home one more time to the house being wrecked from your sexcapades i'm literally going to murder you!" Jax yelled from the living room when he got home.

Haley and I were still going at it. I laughed a little as she kissed my neck.

"Sexcapades." She said laughing then went back to kissing my neck.

I heard Jax try to open my door but it was locked.

"Are you serious? Are they still in there?"He groaned and I heard him walk away from the door. Then heard his door shut.

"Thank god." She said before she started to kiss down my body.

Haley showered and once she was done I got in the shower after her.

When I got out i had a towel wrapped around me as I walked out of the bathroom into my room. Haley was dressed in one of my oversized t-shirts and sweatpants. She still looked really pretty like that. I stopped at smiled at her.

When she looked up at me I looked away and started to grab a pair of clothes from my drawer. I got a sweatshirt and pajama shorts.

"Brooke last night was... amazing. I just I'm sorry. I shouldn't have drank more with you. That wasn't being a good friend. I know how much you have struggled with that and i shouldn't have done that. Well i shouldn't have drank with you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Brooke. I can take you to a meeting or something. I don't know I wanna make up for it."

"Haley... I was drinking before you got here. I was the one that messed up. I'm going to a meeting tonight. If you would like you can come with me. I know I messed up and I'm gonna start again."

"I still feel awful."

"Haley you're fine. I'm fine. I'm really upset that I messed up last night but I've pushed through worse."

"You have." She smiled at me.

"Now we only have 15 minutes left until Jax gets back from rehearsals so let's sneak you out of here."

"Okay." Haley said softly.

I walked her to the door. I opened it for her and stood at the door as I watched her go to walk out of it. She took a step out but then turned around and with two swift movements she kissed me. I leaned into the kiss. She tasted like strawberries and smelt like vanilla.

"I'll see you later Brooke." She smiled at me.

"Goodbye Haley." I smiled back.

Sorry for the short chapter but let me know what you think.

Brooke and Haley?? What did you guys think of that?

Thank you so much for reading!!! I love you guys💗


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