Chapter 14: Diner Drama and Dinner Drama

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It was Sunday. Yesterday's appointment with my therapist went really well. I had told her everything that happened and that I had done the 5 acts of kindness everyday I even showed her the notebook I had where I wrote them all down.

She spent extra time with me that day and got Chip verified to be an emotional support animal.

She said she had told me that I was making really good progress and she thinks it has a lot to do with Jax and the band. Her exact words where.

"Your friend Jax I see has made a great improvement in your happiness. I like that you've found someone that you can have a healthy friendship with and who makes you happy. Music is a very good outlet to have. I'm happy that you're making progress and these things are pushing you to be even better."

Jax came over early this morning to get ready with me. Well mainly me getting ready and he laying on my bed as I got ready.

"My therapist likes you." I told him as I thought about why she said yesterday. I was making progress.

"You talk to your therapist about me? How sweet." He said smiling and sitting up. I grabbed a pillow and wacked him with it.

"Of coarse I do stupid." I said.

"So how do I look? Good enough for Fiancés approval?"

"So how do I look? Good enough for Fiancés approval?"

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"You look horrible." He said. I threw a pillow at him.

"I'm joking obviously you look amazing as always."

"Jerk." I said sticking my tongue out.

"How did you get all those tattoos?"

"Amanda doesn't have a problem with them so once I turned 16 she started taking me to New Jersey whenever I wanted one."

"Why New Jersey?"

"Because you have to be 18 in New York but not in New Jersey."


"Once my scars go away a little more I want to get some over them.

We talked about tattoos a little and then left.

We got there and Daniel and Emma were already there. Emma was gorgeous. Beautiful orange hair. No wonder Daniel wanted to marry her.

We walked in and Daniel saw us and waved us over.

"Oh my gosh Brooke it's so great to meet you." Emma stood up and hugged me.

"You too."

"Gosh you're so pretty. Look at you." She said putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Umm thanks. You are reeeally pretty." I said and I had to look up at her like I usually have to with Haley or basically any guy.

We sat down and per usual Felicity came up to serve us. When she came to the table she already had two coffees in her hand for Jax and I. Awh I love her she knows how much we love coffee.

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