Chapter 15: Douche Face

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I didn't tell anyone what I saw. It wasn't my right to tell. After all night of thinking about it I decided that I wouldn't even tell them that I saw them. When they want to tell me they will and I shouldn't involve myself in their relationship especially one they are keeping secret. I want them to tell me when they're ready to tell me.

It was Monday. Oh how I didn't want to go to school today. Everything that happened at the party on Friday. Jett.

Not only that but I woke up 15 minutes before school. It takes me 5 minutes to drive so I have 10 minutes to get ready.

I stayed in what I was wearing to bed and jumped slipped on a long cardigan.

I stayed in what I was wearing to bed and jumped slipped on a long cardigan

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I threw my hair up in a bun and I put on some slides. I grabbed my over the shoulder bag and my car keys and ran down stairs.

I didn't have time to get coffee which depresses me greatly. Lovely I had to go to school today of all days without coffee.

I got to school 2 minutes before the bell rang. Most people were already in their classrooms. There were a few people throughout the hallways that were most likely also going to be late. I was running through the halls like a maniac.

I got to my first period class and burst through the door just like 5 seconds after the bell rang. Half my bun had fallen out and some hair was sticking to my sweaty face.

Everyone looked over at the commotion I made. Some giggled and others just started. I made my way back to where all my friends were sitting. I sat next to Jax and Haley.

"Well why don't you look lovely." Haley said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up."

"Ooh she's feisty today too. I'm impressed." She said smiling. I laughed even though I looked like a monster, that whole thing was hilarious.

"Okay everybody we're doing a partner project." Mrs. Davidson said sitting up from her desk. Everyone started talking trying to decide who they wanted as their partner.

"You do not get to choose your partners." She said. I sighed. I didn't even know anyone else. I hadn't really done anything besides hang out with the friends I had.

"I will partner you guys up and then explain the project."

She started listing off partners. I only listened when she named my friends and I.

"Mike and Haley....... Jax and Felicity.... Jett and Keith...... Brooke and Lukas..."

WHAT?! Out of all the people who I could have been partnered with it was Lukas. Lucky Felicity getting Jax as a partner.

"Now go move next to your assigned partners."

I didn't move he would have to come over here. Oh how angry I was.

"Tell me if I need to hit him." Jax said to me as he moved a couple desks over to sit with Felicity.

"You know right now you kinda look like the monster that was under my bed when I was 5." Lukas said as he sat down next to me.

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