Chapter 11: Brother

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I don't think either one of us was expecting this moment to happen here like this. We both just stood there in shock. Jax was the first to speak.

"How? What? I'm confused." Jax said.

I couldn't believe that after weeks of wondering who he was and what his life was like he was standing right here in front of me.

"Brooke are you okay?" Jax asked. I hadn't even realized that I started crying but there were tears dripping down my face.

"I'm fine. I think I'm gonna go home Jax." I said and I went to the table and picked up my stuff and went to walk out he door.

"Brooke wait." It wasn't Jax who said it it was Daniel.

"What? It's obvious you didn't want to know me with that court order on your file so why should I stay now?" I was starting to get angry. No it wasn't angry I was hurt and confused but it came out as angry.

"Hold on." He said and he walked outside. I looked out the door as he walked to his car and got something out of it.

He handed me an envelope to me once we got back inside.

"It's a letter to you. I went to New York to find you and found out you were in the hospital when I found out why I left and then wrote this. I didn't want to stop you from recovering so I was waiting to send it. I never knew you would be here."

"After all that's happened in my life I think what would've helped me most was a brother but I didn't have that because you didn't want me I mean why would you?" I said and then walked outside. He chased after me.

"Brooke please take the letter." He said. He was crying and held out the letter. I took it and got into my car and drove home.

When I got home I said nothing to nobody and just went into my room. I put my headphones in a drowned out the world.

A few hours later there was a knock on my balcony door. I opened it and to no surprise it was Jett.

I needed to get my mind off of things so I didn't let him say anything I just grabbed his shirt, pulled him close to me, and kissed him. He didn't pull away just deepened the kiss by wrapping his arms around me. I slid my hands into his hair. We were walking backwards and my knees hit the back of the back and we both fell onto it.

Jett pulled away.

"As amazing as this is I think we should stop." He said.

"Why?" I said frustrated.

"Because you're crying." He said sitting down on the bed next to me.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and started crying harder. He wrapped his arms around me and just held me as I cried. He ran a hand through my hair. It felt comforting.

Once I was done crying I sat up.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.


We sat in awkward silence for a little bit as I tried to get myself together.

It was probably almost 10:00pm and I was getting tired.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" I asked. He just nodded and laid down under my covers I crawled in bed after him.

He put his arm around me and I put my head on his chest.
I woke up, the sun wasn't out yet but I was still in Jett's arms. Our legs were tangled a He was soundly asleep. I didn't want to leave the comfort of his arms so I just laid there as he sleep.

I liked Jett but I just didn't know if he felt the same or was just in it for the sex. Like a friends with benefits kind of thing which I didn't want. I wanted him to be my boyfriend I just didn't know if he wanted me to be his girlfriend.

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