Chapter 7: Sex and Phone Calls

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My alarm woke me up. I was laying in bed with my eyes closed not wanting to get up when I remembered what happened last night. The singing, the kiss, the sex.

Wait what? I could not have slept with Jett. I snap my eyes over and sure as shit there's a naked Jett in my bed.

What the hell happened. One second we were kissing and then... fuck. How did this happen? I told myself I wasn't going to sleep around with guys anymore. This is not what I planned. I slowly got out of my bed and wrapped myself in my sheet.

"Good morning." Jett said as I was trying to tip toe away. Damn his morning voice was sexy. No don't think like that. I turned around and just sheepishly smiled.

"Good morning." I quietly said. My throat was definitely sore from yesterday.

Jett crawled down to the end of the bed and was sitting on his knees. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I wanted to pull away but then at the same time I wanted to pull him closer to me.

"You're beautiful. You know that." That's it I crashed my lips down on his not even caring how our breaths smelt in the morning. He pulled me closer into the kiss until I fell on top of him.

I heard a car door shut and it was to loud to be anywhere other than my drive way. Shit Darren and Carly said they would be home at 10am today. What time was it?

I broke away from the kiss to check the time sure as hell it was 10:15am. Fuck.

"Jett get your clothes on now!" I whisper yelled at him. I quickly went around the room and grabbed random clothes. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a random y-shirt that was in the ground. Jett has most of his clothes on besides his shirt which was the shirt I was wearing.

"Go over the balcony! Quickly!" I started shoving him towards the balcony. He turned and kissed me one last time and then jumped over the balcony onto his.

"By the way you look good in my shirt." Jett said before he went into his room. I blushed and walked back into mine.

I threw my hair into a messy bun and got a make up wipe and wiped off all the crusty make up left on my face from yesterday. I quickly brushed my teeth and slipped on my big duck slippers. I ran downstairs.

"Brooke!" Carly screamed when she saw me and jumped into my arms.

"Hey Carly how was your trip?"

"So much fun!! Daddy fell off the boat!" She started laughing hysterically. I kinda laughed too. She told me the events of her trip and Darren while Darren was unpacking their bags.

"So what have you been up to the past few days?" Darren asked once he finished unpacking and sat in the chair in our living room. Nothing he wants to know about that's for sure.

"Nothing much I went to karaoke place with my friends last night but that's about it."

"When I was a teenager if I got left home alone for a weekend I would throw a kick ass party."

"Not really my thing anymore." Speaking of partying. I needed to call my sponsor from AA and tell her what happened. She's been my sponsor for the past 2 years.

Before Darren could respond the doorbell went off. Darren went to answer the door. Of coarse it's Jett that's at the door. He was fully dressed this time.

"Morning Brooke are you ready?" He asked fully knowing I had no idea what he was talking about.


"Brunch with everyone?" He said giving me a look.

"Give me 20 minutes." I said and I ran upstairs and I got into the shower. Once I was showered I braided my hair into two Dutch braids.

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