Chapter 19: 4 months later

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"...please forgive me Brooke?" He said but I just couldn't. Not now.

"I'm sorry Luke, I can't." I said and got up, got in my car, and left.

When I got home it was probably like 5 in the morning. Everyone, and I mean everyone was there.

Everybody got up when I walked through the door.

"Brooke where were you?" Jax was the first one to speak.

I just ignored everyone and walked straight to my room. I locked the door.

I got in the shower and let the water run all down my body.

The oxycontin still running through my blood stream. Everything felt numb and that's all I wanted.
4 months later...

The carnival was coming up soon. Luke and I worked together on the booth but didn't talk about much else.

I had basically shut everyone out of my life besides Daniel, Amanda, Darren, and Carly. I couldn't do it. It was to hard.

I stopped talking to all my friends. Just like I had done with Jessica.

And I had joined the cheer team.

Today was Friday which meant we wore on cheerleading uniforms to school and we also had a basketball game tonight.

Nobody knew that I wasn't sober. I hid it well. I had been sleeping with so many different guys as well.

I cut my hair. It was to my shoulders now, it had been pretty long.

Every time I saw Jax, Haley, Felicity, and even Jett it was like a knife was stabbed into my heart.

It was lunch and I was sitting at a table with the cheerleaders. I wasn't talking just sitting there. I hadn't really been eating a lot and I've lost a lot of weight.

I was looking over at all my old friends. They were talking and laughing. Suddenly Jax looked over at me and we made eye contact.

It was like someone put a knife in my heart and twisted it.

I got up from my seat and left the cafeteria. As I was walking someone grabbed my arm. I tunes and saw Jax.

"Brooke it's been 4 months what is going on with you?"

"Jax just leave me alone." I snapped.

"Brooke please." He pleaded.

"Jax I can't now just leave me alone." He let go of my hand and then grabbed it again.

"You're shaking." He said. Of coarse I was I hadn't had any pills in a day. It was leaving my bloodstream but he didn't know that.

"I'm fine now go. Leave me alone." I said. Please stay. Don't leave me here alone. Was what I really wanted to say.

"Fine." He said and let go of my hand. My heart shattered. He did what I told him to do but it's not what I wanted.

He walked down the hall and I watched as he did.

It had been 2 weeks since Jax stopped me in the hallway since then Haley, Felicity, and even Chelsea had stopped me in the hall. All the conversation went about the same. Each time my heart broke even more.

I missed the band. They had been doing really well. People talk about their shows at the Diner all the time. I hadn't gave myself a chance to go and see them yet.

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