BONUS CHAPTER: 8 years later

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I was finally starting my internship at Harbor-UCLA medical center. I had a mixer to go to tonight where i'll meet the other doctors that work there and the other interns.

I was dressed in a tight black velvet dress. My long hair was curled and my make up was done nicely.

I was standing by the food drinking water from a plastic cup when one of the older doctors came up to me. He wasn't that old. He was probably about 45.

"You're in that one band right? Brooke Stephens? My daughter loves you guys. I took her to one of your concerts like a year ago. Are you going to perform or something? It's crazy how all out they're going for these mixers now a days. When I was an intern we got pizza and some cheap champagne."

"No i'm not performing. I'm an intern. Last year was my last tour and every second I wasn't on stage I had my nose in a book studying for my exams."

"Oh wow. Chart topping, grammy winning artist becomes a doctor is a new one."

"I got lucky. I get to live both my dreams. I worked my ass off to get where I am."

"I can only imagine. Good luck Dr. Stephens. I guess I'll be seeing a lot more of you around the hospital."

"Thank you... uh..."

"Mark Thompson." He said shaking my hand.

"Thank you Dr. Thompson." I said with a smile.

"Wait can I FaceTime my daughter and..."

"Yes I would be very happy to say hi to your daughter." I said laughing a little.

He FaceTimed his daughter and I talked to her for a minute.

"Hey babe have you tried these little sandwiches they are so good." Luke said coming up to me with a mouth full of food and a plate full of mini sandwiches.

"Luke..." I said giving him a look. Dr. Thompson just looked at him and laughed.

"Sorry babe." He said after swallowing the food that was in his mouth.

"Who's this?" Dr. Thompson asked.

"This is my fiancé Luke. Luke this is Dr. Thompson." I introduced them.

"It's a pleasure. I'm gonna go terrorize other interns. Good luck Brooke." He said walking away.

"It's not even your first day and they like you already." Luke joked. I nudged his arm.
3 months later...

I wasn't aloud in the OR as they operated on him. My resident wasn't allowing me to work on any patients either. I was in the locker room crying when some of the other interns came in.

They all had the same looks on their face.

"No... No!... god no. oh my god." I could feel my whole body tense. I couldn't catch my breath. I felt like I was going to die.

Next thing I knew I saw Dr. Thompson walk into the interns locker room. All the interns looked terrified and back away. He had his gown and everything still on from surgery.

He walked up to me and simply just wrapped his arms around. I cried into his chest.

"Have you talked to his family yet?" I asked pulling away from him and wiping away my tears.

"Not yet but..."

"Can I? His parents know me. We were neighbors in high school and he was my band mate and friend for..."

"We know he was your friend Dr. Stephens. Everyone knows who he is. Let's go talk to his family together." Dr. Thompson said.

I nodded my head as we made our way out to the waiting room.

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