Chapter 24: Past Mistakes

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4 Months Later...

Most days you could find me studying for my classes, working, or playing my guitar. I didn't have too much free time anymore since I started college. To be honest I just needed a break from my life. During the summer Jax and I moved in to an apartment together.

Jax spent every night going out with some other guy trying to get over his break up that happened this summer.

I was healing from mine a lot differently. Well i wouldn't even say it was a break up. I loved him and he loved me but he left. I miss Luke. I really do but I've done a lot to make sure that I've moved on from him.

I've had enough happen in my life I didn't need to focus on boys this year. I needed to focus on my sobriety, my happiness, school, and music.

Jax was currently out with some guy so I had the apartment to myself and my dog chip. I sat on my bed while I played my guitar. I started to strum the chords to Red by Taylor Swift and I started to sing along.

As I was playing there was a knock on my door. I gently sat my guitar down and made my way to my door. I opened it to see a familiar face. It was Jett. He looked like he had been crying.

"Jett oh my god what happened?" I said pulling him in.

"I uh Taylor she uh she broke up with me. She uh she's dating some college douche now apparently."


"You know what I uh I don't know even know why I came here."

"Jett come on. Sit down." I said leading him over to the couch.

"Why do I always ruin everything? First it was you then Taylor for fuck sakes I even fucked up getting into college. Oh yeah i haven't told anyone. I'm not actually going to UCLA. I couldn't get it."

"Jett." I said taking his hands and giving him a look as if i was telling him to stop.

"Why am I such a fuck up?" He said and I saw the tears stream down his face. I took my hands and wiped away his tears.

"You are not a fuck up Jett. You are not. Hey look at me." I said and held his face so he could look me in the eyes.

Next thing I knew his lips were against mine. His lips tasted like salt. I was shocked at first but I didn't fight it and I started to kiss him back. I turned and leaned back on the couch so Jett was on top of me and we kissed.

What am i doing? I pulled away.

"Jett what are we doing?" I sat sitting up again.

"I don't know." He said almost just confused as i was.

There was something about me that still wanted him. He hurt me in a way I didn't know I could be hurt and then Luke hurt me. Why am I back here wanting him?

"This doesn't mean anything. We're just friends." I said before I kissed him again. I wasn't letting myself get hurt again. No boyfriends this year. No feelings. Just meaningless sex.

Jett kisses down my neck as i unbuttoned his shirt.

"Let's go to my room." I whispered in his ear. He didn't say anything he just picked me up and carried me into my room. He shut the door and locked it before he laid me on the bed.

I woke up the next morning naked in my bed. Jett next to me stirring around and waking up.

"What the fuck did I do?" I whispered to myself as I stumbled out of the bed.

I quickly got into the shower then dressed into black skinny jeans and an oversized band t-shirt.

When I walked back into my room Jett was gone. Thank god. Hopefully Jax didn't see him.

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