Chapter 30: Safe Haven

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"Okay so i know you're used to us doing some cover of a song. Tonight we have a couple of original songs we'd like to play for you guys. First up is gonna be a song i just wrote recently. It's called 'Her Brown Eyes'." I said as we got on stage at Midnight. This song was a little more indie then most songs we cover but that's the kind of music we wanted to go with for our original songs.

Felicity started on the keyboard and I started singing. I had written the song about Haley.

"...and i know that we shouldn't... i know... but every time i close my eyes i picture her brown eyes..."

Everytime I sang the chorus all i thought about was Haley. I mean the song was literally about her how could i not.

When the song i ended I held my breath. I didn't know what people would think of it. When the crowd in the bar started clapping and cheering I smiled so widely. Yes. Yes they liked it.

"Did I do okay?" I asked the crowd and they cheered in response.

"Phew i was so nervous that these guys were gonna take away my song writing privileges." I joked and people laughed.

"Alright this next one is called Lukas."  I said with a smile.

Instead of focusing on Haley or literally any sort of love interest I had been focusing so much on music. I think I have been driving the band crazy with the amount of rehearsals we've been having.

"I got us another gig that's not at Midnight. Like I love Midnight and we get paid well for it but we wanna get our name heard more you know." I said as we were all sitting in my living room.

"Where at?" Jett asked.

"Beverly Hill's High School Winter Formal. We're getting paid $5,000. There is no way in hell I said no. I said yes immediately." I laughed.

"Holy shit." Haley gasped.

"It's also gonna be like a thousand high schoolers in the gym so it's great to get like a younger audience." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I was in before you even said anything about money but god damn. We can do a lot with $5,000. We might be able to get someone to help us record our music with that." Jax said.

"Exactly. It's way to good to fuck up. So let's start putting together a set list that's about 3 hours long. I'm probably not gonna want to sing that whole time so do any of you wanna do a couple songs?" I asked.

"Sure." Felicity said.

"I'll do a couple." Jett offered.

"I'll do my song that I wrote." Haley said with a soft smile.

"You wrote a song?" Jett kind of laughed.

"Yes I did Jett. Shush." Haley laughed throwing a pillow off the couch at Jett's head.

"Okay cool. I'll step in for Felicity on the keyboard when she goes up and sings and guitar for Jett..."

"and for Haley I'll take over drums and you just stay on guitar." Jett suggested.

"Sounds good." I said nodding my head.

After everyone left Haley stayed behind to "help clean up" but I didn't really believe that.

We were cleaning up when Jax came out of his room.

"Hey sorry I'm late for lunch with Ian. I'm sorry. I'll do the dishes tonight." He said before rushing out of the door.

Not even two seconds later Haley turned towards me and put her hands on my waist. It took everything in me not to close the distance between us.

"You know I love your eyes too." She said with a soft smile referring to my song.

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