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Omg guys the sequel is out. GO CHECK IT OUT!!! It's called...

Making out is good for you: Never let me go


Olivia and Kaylee are twins sisters but they're also best friends. They come from a big family with lots of siblings. Two years after their dad dies they start their senior year. Olivia is surprised when her childhood best friend moves back to town but now that they're older is it something more than friendship?

"I'm sorry Liv! I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I can't loose you too." He said.

The rain was pouring down around us as we argued in the parking lot.

"You know how I felt! You made me look like a fool in front of you as I told you that I loved you and you walked away! You walked away! You don't get to be mad that I'm with someone who actually loves me back!"

"I love you Olivia! I always have!"

He took two big steps closer to me and closed the distance between us. It felt like sparks through my whole body as he kissed me. I never wanted it to stop but it had to. I pulled away from him.

"It's too late." I said softly and got into my car. I quickly drove away as he stood there.

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