Chapter 31: Home

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After 3 months I was going home today. My mom picked me up and drove me home. I didn't tell Jax or anyone that I was getting out today and I told my mom not to tell them. I needed a few days to settle in then go back to LA.

When I got home I was greeted by a very happy Chip. I bent over to pet him.

"When I go back to LA you're coming with me." I said scratching behind his ears.

"You're home!" Daren said with a smile. He came and hugged me tightly.

"Yeah I'm home." I said softly hugging me back

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"For once I think i'm doing really good." I said with a smile.

"That's good I'm glad." He said hugging me again.

"How have things been here? I haven't heard much since I was here for Christmas." I said playing with the sleeves of my shirt.

"Good. Carly decided to get bangs." He said laughing.

"I bet they look adorable. Where is she?" I asked.

"She's staying over at Brenda's tonight. It's a birthday party."

"Sounds fun." I said.

"We'll go unpack and we'll have dinner." Daren said gesturing upstairs. I nodded my head and made my way upstairs.

I unpacked my suitcase and changed into more comfortable clothes. I changed into leggings and a fuzzy sweatshirt.

I made my way back downstairs and Daren had ordered pizza from my favorite pizza place. I smiled while i grabbed a slice before sitting on the couch. Daren turned on a movie. After eating I snuggled up under a blanket and just watched the movie.

Once the movie was over it was almost 11 at night so I decided to go upstairs and to bed. I was closing my balcony curtains when I saw Jett sitting on his balcony. He did a double take when he saw me.

I sighed and opened the doors after he saw me.

"When did you get back?" He asked me.

"A couple hours ago. Nobody knows yet though so please don't tell them. I just wanted a couple days at home without all the stress."

"It's okay Brooke. I understand. I won't tell anyone. Fair warning though Jax is in the shower right now. He's staying over tonight. We're on break and he hasn't really liked staying at the apartment by himself since you've been gone."

"Okay thanks for letting me know. I'll keep my curtains and lights off tonight." I said.

It was quiet for a few moments before anyone spoke again.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm okay. I think for once I can genuinely get through this. Through everything. A lot happened the past few months and I got the help I truly needed." I said assured.

"That's good. I'm happy for you Brooke." He said with a smile.

"Thanks Jett. I told Jax that I would be home Friday. So if I don't see you the next couple days. I'll see you on Friday." I said with a soft smile. He smiled and I went to turn around.

"Brooke?" He said and I turned around to face him. He had a smile on his face.

"That's the first time you've said that." He said.

"Said what?" I asked.

"That you'll see him "friday" or any day in the future. I don't know. You've never acted like there was a future to- you know what? Never mind. It's nothing. Goodnight. I'll see you Friday."

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