Chapter 26: Closure

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It had been a week since that night with Parker. It kept playing over in my head. I haven't called her yet but I kind of want to. I just don't want any sort of relationship at the moment. I'm still recovering from Luke and god knows I've been a sleeping around since then. Well two people but still not good.

I told myself to focus on my recovery not distract myself with bootycalls as Jax would like to call them.

The bar owner loved us and he's been having us preform every other night. It's great practice and it's a pretty popular bar.

"Hey you're from that band that plays at Midnight um Totally Generic or something like that." A girl came up to me and asked.

"Yes. I'm Brooke." I said with a smile.

"I'm Katie. You guys are really good. I host the schools radio show every afternoon on 106.1. Do you guys have a demo? I would love to play you guys on the station." She said with a wide smile.

"Oh my god that would be amazing. We actually just recorded our first demo of a few original songs that i wrote. It's not the greatest recording but I can definitely get you a copy."

"Yes that would be great. Here's my card. You can email it to me or even find a way to get me a hard copy."

"Yes absolutely. Thank you!" I said with a huge smile.

I waited until she walked away to start jumping and screaming.

"Woah what's the one man party about?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I stopped and saw Parker.

"Parker hey... How are you?" I asked. Again I was mesmerized by how gorgeous she is. Her smile lit up her face and made her blue eyes sparkle.

"I'm doing good you seem excited what was that?"

"Um she wants to play us on the radio station." I said still smiling.

"Oh my god that's amazing. Congratulations." Parker said pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you. And i'm sorry I haven't called it's not because i don't want to because trust me I do want to. I just have a lot to figure out."

"I get it Brooke. Don't wait to long to call me though." She said kissing my cheek before walking away.

"That's the girl?" Jax asked walking up to me.

"You uh saw that?" I said with my hand pressed against my cheek where she had kissed it.

"Yes so did Haley so act normal she's coming over." Jax whispered.

"Hey what..." Haley started but i cut her off.

"I have great news! We're gonna be played on the radio. The girl who hosts the school's radio show came up to me and asked to give her a demo so she can play it."

"Oh my god!" Jax gasped. Haley looked shocked and excited.

"Holy shit! That's like the first step to becoming like a legitimate band." Haley said excitedly.

"I know!" I said just as happy as they were.

I decided to do it. I texted Parker. Jax was right right it was kind of like a booty call. I liked sleeping with her though. It was fun and amazing. We have been cooped up in my room since like 4 this afternoon. Jax has been out all night. It was now like 7:30 and I ordered Parker and I pizza. I answered the door with a sheet wrapped around me.

I had a sheet wrapped around me and a box of pizza in my hand when the door opened. Jax came in and was followed by Jett, Haley, and Felicity.

"Ahh." I squealed and made my way back into my room. I heard Jax laughing.

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