Chapter 18: Birthday Disappearence

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Somehow I think I had become friends with Luke. Luke of all people. It was strange hating someone so much and then actually caring about their well being.

His little brother Max and Carly had become fast friends. It was currently Sunday and their dad was coming to pick them up in a few hours.

Luke's wounds had healed a lot since Friday morning. He was still pretty banged up just not as much.

Darren and Amanda had taken the kids out to Chucky Cheese to help them get their minds off of things. Let the kids have some fun.

"You drink way to much coffee." Like said to me as I got my third cup of coffee in the past hour.

"You can never drink enough." I said taking a sip off of my coffee.

"Coffee is actually disgusting." He said. I gasped and put a hand over my heart as if it had offended me.

"That is the worst thing I've ever heard." I said jokingly.

We were sitting on my couch, I was catching up on some homework and I don't know what he was doing.

"You know procrastinating your work til the last second is a horrible habit along with your coffee addiction." He said. It was true i was doing my homework the night before it was due instead of using my time over the break to do it.

"Well being a debby downer is a bad habit too." I said. He laughed.

The door bell rang.

"I'll get it. It's probably the pizza I ordered." Luke said and got up to answer the door.

I laid down on the couch, taking his spot. I laughed to myself. Sucker. I heard footsteps coming back.

"Give me the biggest piece in that box of pizza or you don't get your spot back I called out."

"Um Brooke." Jax said. Shit. I sat up and turn and looked at him.

"You're not pizza." I said.

"What is douche face doing here?" He asked.

"We're dating." I joked so I had time to come up with an excuse. His face turned pale and I burst out laughing.

"I'm joking. We're working on our project stupid."

"Oh." He said. Thank god he bought it.

"Why are you here anyways?" I asked. Luke came back in the room with pizza and I ran and got the biggest slice and stuck my tongue out at Luke.

"I just came by to bring you these." He said and pulled two small pieces of paper out from behind him. Two tickets. I grabbed them and look at what they were for.

"Camilla Cabello concert tickets!!" I exclaimed.

"Oh my god Jax I love you!" I said and jumped on him.

Once I settled down Jax went to leave.

"I'll let you too get back to working. I love you Brooke. Call you later." He said.

"Love you." I called out as he left.

A few hours later his dad came and got them all. A few hours after that I went to sleep.

I woke up screaming. I usually had nightmares but I hadn't really had screaming nightmares since right after my parents died but when I did it was always only on three days. My moms birthday, my dads, and the day they died.

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