Chapter 5: Family and Friends

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The school day was going by super slow but then again it's Monday and when does it not. I was sitting in 4th period with Chelsea when the teacher got a call on the class phone.

"Brooke the principal Stephens needs you in his office."

Right the meeting he wanted to have with me. I've already been here a week what's the point of it ? I got up and grabbed my bag. I walked down the hall quietly until I reached the office. The secretary told me to have a seat and wait for him to call me into his office.

"Brooke you can go in." The secretary told me. I opened the door the said principal on a small metal strip. I was shocked when I saw the principal.

"I should have known." Is all I said.

"Brooke it's great to see you again." He said as he stood up. He walked over and gave me a hug.

"I missed you so much uncle Mike." I said and wrapped my arms around him. I should have honestly knew. Principal Stephens in Woodsville California. I'm actually dumb.

"Why didn't you just call me or text me to meet up?" I asked him.

"I wanted it to be more of a surprise."

We sat and talked for a few minutes. Catching up and just talking about current events.

"So I've got something for you." He said while opening his top drawer.

"What is it?" He pulled out what looked like a yearbook.

"It's your parents high school yearbook their senior year." He handed me the yearbook. The title read Woodsville High 1997.

"They didn't live here. They went to school in New York. They lived in New York their whole live." I said completely confused.

"No they didn't. They lied to you. They were both born and grew up here in Woodsville." He said with a sincere look on his face.

I grabbed the book, I said goodbye and walked out. Just as I walked out the bell for lunch rang.

Once I was in the cafeteria I didn't get lunch I just sat at our table. Everyone was just starting to sit down with their lunches and I started looking through the yearbook. Marcus Stephens is who I look for first but instead of my dad I found Amanda and Darren Beaver. What? They went here too. They must've known my parents. They were in the same class.

I eventually found my dad and then my mom. They looked so happy. I scrolled through the yearbook more to see if I could find any club or sports pictures of them. I found a picture of them on a page titled 'Senior Candids' but it wasn't just them. Amanda and Darren were in the picture too but that wasn't even the craziest thing about this picture. My mom was pregnant. Like huge belly about to blow pregnant.

Now I'm either really bad at math cuz that would make me 20 or I have a sibling out here in the world.

I'm going to throw up. I got up and ran to the bathroom. Once I got to the stall I threw up almost immediately. I flushed the puke down the toilet and sat on my knees. I started crying. I couldn't stop it and I couldn't control it. I just started sobbing. I couldn't breathe, I was weazing uncontrollably. Total ugly cry face and everything too.

"Brooke?" I heard somebody call out. It was the familiar voice of Haley. I heard footsteps enter the bathroom.

"What's going on? Is she okay?" I heard Jett ask from a distance. He was probably at the doorway since it was a girls bathroom.

I was still crying but I was able to calm myself down and stop weazing.

"Fuck it I'm coming in." Jett said. I heard footsteps come closer and stop next to the stall door.

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