I'm With The Band pt.1

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Y/n pov:

My boyfriend Boris Pavlikovsky was in a band. He was the lead guitarist and singer. His band wasn't very popular but a few knew about it. There was Jesse he was the drummer, Ryan he was the basist, and Dominique we call him Dom he was on piano.

We were traveling around in those touring vans with like bunks and shit(but it was a pretty small one.)for 3 shows in different places and he invited me and Theo because he would miss me alot according to him and he wanted his bestfriend with him.

The first show was in California at a theatre type thing and we were still in Las Vegas so it would take six hours and four minutes.

We were at a gas station getting gasoline(obviously) and some snacks for the road. Me and Theo were on snack duty, the three other dudes were putting in gasoline and Boris well he was just taking a shit. We were driving legally because there are 2 dudes that are sixteen and almost 17 I think.

Me and Theo were searching for good shit not some bootlegged doritos.

"Alright so we were left to get some sweets, chips, crackers, cigarettes and Beers are covered by Boris of course, and we can't get anything with peanuts because Ryan is allergic." Theo said

"Alright wait are we going to 'quack' these." I said.

Quack was our code word to cover up the word steal.

"Uh obviously."

"Alright the guy isn't even paying attention to us anyway." I whispered to Theo.

We took a few Pringles, Doritos, some gummies, chocolate (without peanuts cause ugh Ryan.), and lightly salted crackers we got 5 of each thing we got and snuck out quitley. The guy at the cashier was reading a book and there wasn't those bell things on the door anyway.

Me and Theo high fived eachother and brought the stuff to the van immediately, then I felt someone grab me by my waist from behind and spin me around in circles.

I saw the black sweatshirt the guy had on. The only one to use a sweatshirt in summer. Boris.

I turned my head around slightly making sure I don't snap my fucking neck and it's my beautiful boyfriend.

"Hey beautiful." Boris says kissing my lips softly and quickly.

His Russian accent drives me insane god I love it.

"Hey babe." I say kissing his cheeks.

He showers me in kisses and tickles me with one hand while he his other arm on my waist.

I giggle at his sudden gesture of love. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend.

"Can y'all not suck face while we're right infront of you? Damn." Dom says.

I giggle before answering Dom's question.

"Gee sorry guess we'll just take it to the van, Thanks Dom for tge suggestion love you bud." I say to him.

He just shakes his head in disappointment.

Boris throws me onto his shoulder slapping my ass and carrying me to the van.

He places me to where the four bunks are me and Boris are sharing one.

"Y/n, what the fuck did I do to deserve your gorgeous ass?" He asked me while pulling me to his chest.

"I should be asking you the same question." I stare into Boris' eyes while smirking.

Boris kisses me with his soft plump lips and I kiss back just loving the effect this boy has on me. He's such a great guy.

I run my hand through Boris' black soft hair. I taste the beer and cigarettes from his mouth, but I'm not complaining it was good. He pulled away slowly to kiss my neck, but someone just had to interupt us. Ugh Ryan.

"Woah remember to use protection." Ryan says.

"Oh go choke on a peanut allergy boy." I said rolling my eyes.

He just laughs at my comment. And we start driving. California here we come.

Hey guys tell me if you guys like these types of imagined with parts because I will try to make more. Also HAVE Y'ALL SEEN THE MUSIC VIDEO FINN IS IN IT'S SO FUCKING SICK I LOVE IT. I hope you guys enjoyed this and also Thank you to -pavlikovsky for adding this book into her recommendations go support them I love them both so much. ❤💗💞

-Ashley 🥀

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