This is what you get • pt.2

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Boris' pov:

I walked out the room speechless. I didn't know Y/n felt that way. Kotku is really just a slut. Y/n actually loved me. Fucking hell I ruined a relationship.

Damnit Boris you such a fuck up. I was actually kind of dating Kotku behind her back and now I realize that is the worst mistake I have ever made in my life.

"Hey, Boris h-how did it g-" I cut Theo off.

"Just pass me the strongest alcohol you have in the house." I said with no emotion.

Did I want to cry? I don't know.

Do I want to punch a wall? Yes and give myself pain for something stupid I did.

"Here you go Boris. A whole cup of vodka." Theo say sliding the cup to me.

I chugged the vodka rapidly.

"Woah woah slow down buddy. Just tell me what's bothering you. It will make you feel better." Theo said.

I could kiss him just for being the most supportive friend ever. But I not going to cheat on Y/n again.

"It just. All the things Y/n said were true. I'll definitley admit to that." I said with a broken voice.

"Fuck I really messed up this time huh?" I said.

"Yeah. Ya did. Listen anyone would be lucky to have a girl like Y/n okay? She gives and dedicates all the time in the world for your dumbass. She loves you alot and she's always there for you. Also look you're a mess us both we both do drugs and drink and she just wants you to be yourself she doesn't want you to change, in fact she even tries those things with you. She's being reasonable Boris. You're the one that's not. So yeah you really did fuck up this time." Theo said.

Well shit. I took a cigarette from my pocket and lit it up in order for me to smoke it.

"You right. You very right Theo." I say to him.

I stare at the wall blankly just thinking and smoking.

"Well? What are you waiting for go apologize!" Theo said.

"No are you crazy she will not forgive me. She won't. She will kick me out of her house. Besides it is dark outside. Her parents are probably home. They don't like me." I said to Theo.

"Boris do you love her?" Theo asked me.

I actually thought about this. Sure I said I love you to Y/n during that fight but do I really love her?


"I don't know if I be honest with you." I said to Theo.

"Well there's only one way to find out come on we're walking to Y/n's." Theo said.

"Theo why you care so much about this situa-"

"Because Boris as you know Y/n is my best friend and I love her, it hurts me to see her heartbroken over the one guy she loves she pours out her heart to that also happenes to be a fuck up so come on you twat." Theo said.

Theo was a good friend. I'm lucky to have him as my friend. Theo dragged me all the way to Y/n's house and we arrived.

Oh boy.

Y/n's pov:

I layed in my room grabbing all the stupid lovey dovey and cliche poems I wrote about Boris when we used to date. When we were happy together.

I put all his shit and all those poems and included an angry poem in there and an angry note in a box getting ready to give it to him. I'll probably give it to him. Hmmmm. Maybe tomorrow. Yeah definitley tomorrow.

Then my thoughts were interrupted when something hit my window. Should I look?
No. It's better if I dont.

I continued to lay down in my room until again. The fucking loud tap at my window.

I finally gave in and looked who was doing this shit.

I opened the curtains. Ugh. It was Boris next to Theo. I'm slightly okay because Theo is here. But what the fuck does Boris want. Theo probably dragged him into this.

I flipped Boris off and waved at Theo. Oooo the Tea is piping hot. I went back to laying on my bed and ignored them until a huge fucking rock was thrown into my room making a the window break.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" I yelled from the broken window.


I rolled my eyes. The last person I wanted to talk to was Boris Pavlikovsky he's a disgrace to my life, but I did have to give him my things so what's the point. I might as well just give him his shit.

I walked downstairs hoping my parents were still asleep. I opened their door a bit and they were still asleep. Good. They probably didn't hear all the noise because the air conditioning was on and their door was closed so I closed it again and went down to give Boris his shit and listen to his shit explanation.

I closed the door behind me with the key in my pocket and I met with Boris and Theo.

"Hello Theo... Boris." I say.

"Hello. I want to t-talk to you in private. Please?" Boris said.

"Fine." I replied.

Me and Boris walked behin my house to talk.

"So what is it and also this box I have here is for you. It's all the things you left in my house including a few pictures too because as I said before. I don't want you in my life." I said harshly. It was cruel but he deserved it.

"Listen Y/n I realized after a few minutes of me seeing you and missing you at first I wasn't sure if I love you but I know for sure I love you. You were right with all the thing you say in argument we had. I will admit it because it's true. And listen I really am sorry I was stupid. Very stupid for kissing someone else instead of you. For even thinking about someone else. I am very very sorry and if you forgave me it would mean the world because I realize how much I need you and how I won't be able to survive without you." Boris said while crying.

The only other time that I've seen him crying is when he's had issues with his dad. And trust me it broke me seeing him this way. It really did.

"I really fucked up and I'm sorry." He said choking out his words his voice cracked and everything and tears streaming down his face. I was now crying.

"Boris, it breaks me to see you like this, as much as I hate you right now I really do love you. Look Boris I really want to forgive you, but you hurt me and I-I don't know for sure if you'll hurt me again. You should have thought about this before you what you did. Maybe in the future if I can give you one more chance I will, but for now it's too much for me to handle so. This isn't a permanent goodbye,but temporary. Just know again even if I hate you now I willa always love you. Goodbye for now Boris. I-I'll see you around." I said.

Tears were streaming down my face.

Boris held my face and wiped my tears with his pale thumbs.

"Goodbye for now." He said. He then kissed my forhead.

He held the box and walked off with Theo.

Why do temporary goodbyes hurt so fucking much.


This was pretty sad am I right? Ended on a pretty sad note, but hey not everything can have a happy ending. Also I know I sound really emo right now but I'm fine SKSKKS I just needed to make a point oof. But yeah hope you guys enjoyed this sad shit. I'll be going back to writing normal imagines and probably go back to this and make a few more parts.

-Ashley 🥀

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