Chapter 3-Chosen

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{photo by Elentori}

After Lance and his Papa shared their hug, he went over to the crowd, smiling at other people trying out.

A few more go getters went up, and then it was over. Coran went up on stage and tapped the microphone.

"Er—Hello? Is this on? Alrighty folks! Thank you all for participating! We are pleased to announce that two people will be joining our circus, and that will be all. We thank you all for coming, and we will announce the results soon." Coran said, pleased.

The crowd began to murmur excitedly. Two people would be joining. Lance wondered who would be going in! He hoped so hard that he would be accepted in!

He went and sat with Nyma while Coran went into a room with some hooded people, chatting with her while the judges made their choice.

It was excruciating. He sat there for nearly an hour before they even began to get prepared. He listened to Nyma drone on and on about her school life and how stuff would go while Lance was away.

If he was away, that is. Nyma firmly believed he would get chosen.

As much as Lance loved her, Nyma was a little too talkativs, and he ended up zoning out through half of the entire conversation. The mic was tapped again and Lance got up, joining the crowd.

This time on stage, we're the actual performers.

Standing at the mic was the infamous lion tamer, Takashi Shirogane. He was big and tall and beefy. Lance admired him down to the bone.

Right next to him was the beautiful knife thrower, Allura Altea, known to fans as "Princess". She was just about as tall as Shiro, and was definitely a strong and empowering woman.

On Shiro's other side was Hunk, a tough strongman who could lift up to 500 pounds! He was big and tough, and looked like he could beat you to a pulp, but he acted like the sweetest man on earth.

Next to Hunk was the mischievous hypnotist Pidge. She specialized in hypnotizing the crowd with her tricks, and she often doubled as a plate spinner. It only made things even more confusing. She was amazing.

And that was it. The whole team. They were crazy talented and awesome. Lance would be in awe if he joined them.

Shiro cleared his throat, catching the crowds attention. "We are pleased to announce the winners of our competition." He smiled.

"The two lucky friends who get to join Team Voltron are," Shiro said, opening the envelope.

"He doubles as a contortionist and a fire eater, we are pleased to welcome Keith Kogane to the team." He smiled.

Keith Kogane? Who was he?

Someone began maneuvering through the crowd and pushed past lance, walking up the stage and looking out to the crowd.

"And the last, but not least, final person to enter our team. know him and you love him, you've seen him and you cheered for him." He smiled.

"We are also pleased to welcome our very own Lance McClain to Team Voltron. Congratulations to our two lucky winners and thank you all for participating."

Lance felt his heartbeat lodged in his throat.

There was no. Effing. Way.

Lance felt his face get warm and he choked on his own words, walking up to the stage and smiling like an absolute dork.

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