Chapter twenty two-the right man for me

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{photo By Elentori}

In the middle of the night, Lance stirred, awakening from his slumber. Lotor was still fast asleep, arm around his waist and nose tucked into the crook of his neck. Lance smiled, gently wriggling out of Lotor's grasp and sliding out of bed.

Lance turned around, giving his lover a smile. He looked so cute while he slept. His hair was all over the place and he looked so peaceful.

Lance gently kissed his cheek before turning away, walking around the room.

Lotor's room was very pretty. The walls were light Lilac and on his shelves were a bunch of knickknacks.

On one shelf, Lance spotted something that made him blush. A photograph of him taken during the show in Brazil. He was covered in glitter and looked absolutely stunning. Lotor probably printed it off the internet.

Lance smiled and continued to look around, admiring all the photographs strung up around his room. Lance looked down on his desk, finding a couple polaroids.

One was a photo taken recently. It showed adult Lotor standing side by side with his parents. Nobody was smiling in the photo.

In the other one, Lance almost didn't recognize who was in it. It was another family photo, except..everyone looked so happy. His father was smiling happily, holding six year old Lotor in his arms. His wife looked so much more stunning. With a head of deep purple hair and warm tanned cheeks. Nothing like how she looked now.

On the back was a note.

"Happy birthday my son, love Mama and Papa.." Lance read to himself, smiling softly.

When times were better.

Lance's feet padded on the hard wood flooring, walking towards the balcony. The moon was out, casting rays of light over Lance's soft skin as he walked to the balcony. Everything seemed so blissful here.

Lance was famous. He lived his dream, becoming the greatest dancer in Team Voltron.

He had amazing friends like Hunk and Pidge.

And he had a beautiful boyfriend, with deep raven hair and sparkling smoky eyes~


Lance sat up, cheeks hot.

He felt.. wrong. He didn't think of Lotor.

Lotor had shimmering white locks. Lotor had bright, clear eyes. Lotor was tall, handsome and romantic.

Lance didn't think of Lotor.

Lance thought of Keith. Only for a moment, but he thought of him.

Lance felt his cheeks go dark.



Lance thought for a moment.

He liked Lotor didn't he? Lotor trusted him. Lotor was going to be with him. Hopefully for a long time. Lance sighed, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear and looking up at the moon.

Lance had deep, intimate feelings for Lotor. He trusted him with all of his heart, and even though they had only met one another a few days ago, Lance felt something in his gut telling him Lotor was perfect.

But that's just it.

Lotor was perfect. Lotor had it all. Money, fame, looks, beautiful personality. There wasn't a flaw about him. He never slipped up and never was awkward. He never joked around and always made sure Lance was treated perfectly. He treated Lance like a porcelain doll, to be protected in a glass box and to never be touched, just so he wouldn't break.

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