Chapter twenty four-Stole my heart

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{photo by lowaharis}

Keith slid into his spot in the booth, Shiro next to him, texting away. Recently, Shiro had connected with a man he met online. He lived in Russia and had been messaging Shiro nonstop ever since they met.

It was cute how Shiro blushed at his phone and constantly talked to him. They really had a special connection.

Allura slid in on the edge next to Keith, and across from him sat Lance and his boyfriend, Hunk and Pidge next to him. Slowly, the silence turned into light conversation as they chartered about.

"So, Lance, we never got the chance to talk. How was your first date with Lotor?" He asked, giving Lance the friendliest smiled he could muster and trying to ignore Lotor's stare.

Lance absolutely lit up, beginning to talk and talk and talk all about touring Paris with Lotor, and how much fun he had.

Keith made sure to listen to every word and give little smiles and commentary. He would nod his head and agree when Lance said something to agree on, laugh when Lance cracked a joke and even put in a little input on how wild the catacombs were. Lotor was obviously getting jealous of the attention Lance was giving to Keith, but that's just how things roll.

The two ordered their meal, and soon the entire conversation with others died out. Even Shiro put down his phone to listen to Keith and Lance converse.

The two had begun a passionate conversation, talking to one another while they ate breakfast, and even got into a friendly competition of "who-can-finish-their-waffle-first", which Keith won undoubtedly.

Lance smiled as Keith started talking again, watching his hands move and his voice stutter over words he could register fast enough to say. All of Keith's little talking habits were cute.

Lotor watched as the two spoke across the table, arms crossed. That little brat was making his job harder and harder. Lance was meant to be focusing on him. Trusting him. Being affectionate to him. With Keith in the way, he couldn't execute his duties correctly, and that would not make his mother happy.

Lotor glared at him, making Keith stutter over his words and shut down a little bit. But that didn't work either. Lance just giggled and blushed as Keith fumbled his sentences, leaning on his palm and continuing their conversation.

Lotor snuck his hand around Lance's waist and made him freeze up a bit. Lance smiled as the conversation ended, sinking into Lotor's embrace. Keith grumbled under his breath, finishing his waffles and going grumpy.

Shiro sat up. "Alright guys, we're heading off to the station now to see our new train." He smiled, paying and tipping the waitress.

Everyone slid out of the booth, Lotor walking with Lance and Keith trying to catch up to his side. Lance was completely wrapped up in his arms, clinging to him like a dutiful boyfriend would.

Keith sighed.

Maybe tonight they could talk more.


After the team had gone and seen their train, they started to decorate and put their things back up. This train would last them many many months. Since they'd be going from their euro tour straight to Asia, this would be their only train.

Lance smiled, putting away all his things. He smiled, opening his jewelry box. His Abuelitas beautiful bracelet still sat where he put it.

Lotor watched.

Lance slid the drawer shut and hung up all his posters again, smiling softly as he occupied his wall with signs, doing his bedsheets and stocking his closet and vanity.

Hunk called for Lance in the next room, and while nobody was around, Lotor peeked in the box.

Lance would be leaving tonight.

Lotor reached inside and picked up the bracelet. It was worth a very large sum, he could tell. Not just from the gemstones, but from the band itself. It was older than both his parents combined. Lotor took the bracelet, sliding it in his pocket and shutting the box.

Lotor called up his mother.

"What do you want now? This better be worth my time."

"I have something of his, mother."

On the other end of the phone, the witch opened her eyes.

"Go on." She smiled wickedly, flipping through her camera and looking at all the pictures she had taken. Especially the ones in London of that stupid circus rat.

"A bracelet. Diamonds and sapphires and a band made of silver. It's easily worth a few million's Cartier 1857 At least. Authentic."

The witch grinned

"Not only would that increase our wealth, but our public eye. Good job, my son. Bring the bracelet to me and you can keep the boy."

Lotor smiled.

"I won't let you down, mother."

Standing at the door stood someone, her large triangle earrings swinging as she listened in. Lotor had something for his mother, but what. She disappeared into Hunks room again, blinking her topaz eyes curiously.

Without even knowing, Shay had witnessed a robbery.

A robbery worth millions.


That night, Lotor and Lance had to part ways. The two wouldn't be together again until Lance had finished his world tour and come to Paris again.

The two shared a searing kiss at the train station, holding on to one another.

"Departure in 20 minutes, Lance, cmon. You gotta prep your outfit to wear for Germany." Allura smiled.

Lance hugged him, climbing on the train and waving goodbye. He walked into his bedroom, finding a nice dress to wear during their trip in Germany.

Lance opened up his jewelry box and screamed.

"Lance? What's wrong?" Keith sat up on his bed.

"It's gone. It's gone!" Lance panicked, running out of the room and starting to go to everyone, asking if they had seen his bracelet.

Keith got up, looking in the box.

He remembered on the first day. Lance had a bracelet he put in the box. A gorgeous blue bracelet handed down his family through generations.

It was gone.

Lance's bracelet had disappeared without a trace.

Shay ran up to Lance.

"I saw that guy going through your things yesterday. Maybe he knows." She said, pointing to Lotor, who was holding something in his hands.

Lance squinted and looked.

In the hands of his trusted partner was his bracelet.

Everything felt numb.

~1058 words~

Lotor a thief!!


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