Chapter 8-Train tracks

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{photo by scummychomps}

Hours into the night, long after Keith and Lance had settled into their beds, there was a knock at their bedroom door.

Lance was awake, considering Keith slept like a rock. No—not a rock. A boulder. An effing boulder.

Lance slid out of bed, quietly walking to the other side of the room, pulling on his silky soft robe and yawning. He opened up the door, bright light flooding the room.

"Hello?" He said, squinting his cerulean blue eyes. Slowly, his eyes adjusted to the light, and his two friends, Pidge and Hunk, came into view.

Pidge was in her jammies, her hair all messed up, sipping a juice pouch. "Sup, dorkazoid." She said, for once not chatting away on her phone. Hunk was in his jammies too, looking a bit more awake. "Cmon in dude. Sleeping is for losers. And boulders." He said, noting that Keith hasn't budged.

Lance smiled lightly, brushing the sleep from his eyes and coming into their room, shutting the door behind them. Shay was inside as well, having probably snuck through while Shiro and Allura were asleep. She was sitting on Hunks desk chair, spinning around and licking a lollipop.

Shay waved a friendly hello, her bright, happy caramel eyes welcoming Lance into the room. Pidge turned the lights down and flicked the fairy lights on. The two had strung up little LED paper lanterns around their room so the light wouldn't hurt as much during the nighttime.

Lance noted the pillowfort they had made in the center of the room, Pidge's precious laptop right there, a movie paused on the screen.

"Welcome to movie night, Lancey Pants. Get comfy, I bootlegged Incredibles 2. It's 4 hours long." She said, crawling through into their pilligloo. A pillow igloo.

Hunk followed, and then Shay, and then Lance tailing behind. They all settled inside the igloo, finding spots to sit. Pidge took her comfy looking corner, and Shay spooned up next to Hunk, cuddling together in their corner. Lance laid on his tummy in the center, propping his head up with a pillow.

Pidge tapped him on the shoulder, and he heard the crinkling of plastic wrap in his ear.

"What person would I be if I didn't bring a candy stash to my bedroom? A monster? A criminal?" She said sarcastically, rolling her bright green eyes and chucking a candy bar at Lance's head. Hunk was fortunate. He caught the big Hershey bar that went flying towards his head.

Lance was struck with another few bags of gummy candies and let out an annoying "EOOWWW!" When a bag of very solid jolly rancher candies hit the side of his noggin. He cursed, grumbling as Pidge chuckled.

They started the movie and watched. Shay fell asleep within the first hour, snuggled up on Hunk's side. Hunk and Pidge stuck it out through the end, and Pidge was downright angered that they didn't make at least ONE super suit joke during the entirety of that four hour film.

"Chickenshit." She scoffed, shutting the laptop as soon as it was over. Hunk was escorting his sleepy lady back to her quarters. Shiro was known for busting in early to wake them up, and if she was caught snuggled in Hunk's bed, they would be in deep shit.

Pidge scoffed. "For fourteen years the running joke of this whole damn franchise was 'where is my super suit' and they didn't make ONE joke. ONE. That's all I fucking ask of you, Disney." She said, grumbling. "This one was so political. And literally half of the time you were watching, you were staring at Elastigirl's ass." She said, flicking Lance in his temple.

Lance went pink.
"Cmon Pidge, you know that's not her name."

Pidge raised her eyebrow, confused.

Lance cocked a smirk, doing the fingerguns.

"Elasthiccgirl~" he made a pun, and then he earned Pidge's tiny middle finger in his face.

"Be quiet, Pissward Testicles." She said, making Lance cackle at the ridiculous name.

He rolled onto his side, laughing loudly, cheeks red. Pidge even smirked at her own lame pun on squidward's name.

Hunk came back, sighing. "Did She make you laugh with Pissward Testicles?" He said, sighing and smiling. Even he could laugh at the dumb pun. Lance smiled.

Friends. He had friends.

"You know it's funny, Hunkin' Donuts." Pidge said, chuckling. Hunk let out a hearty laugh and laid down in his little corner. It felt...homey.

It felt like home.

The longer he was on the train, the more at home he felt. It was amazing. He missed home, of course, but he was so happy. He was so so happy to be here.

From the other side of the door, Keith sat, listening to the group laugh at the silly joke.

Maybe one day, he too would get to join them for movie night, instead of being stuck in his room like a hermit, waiting for his playlist to loop around again, the tracks of the train going around and around.

Clackety clack

Clackety clack

Clackety clack

Until they fade fade away..


Late at night, after everyone had settled, the fort was taken down, and everyone went back to their rooms. Hunk trudged to his bed and fell asleep, huggling his teddy bear, and Pidge went to bed with her laptop, opening up to binge a new show she was raving about.

Lance opened up his bedroom door and stepped inside, sliding his robe off his shoulders and hanging it up on the hook where he liked it, sliding into his cool bed and falling right asleep.

Keith watched from his bed, his owl eyes watching as Lance returned. He was oddly relieved he had come back before four o' clock.

Keith fell asleep as well, settling into his bed.

His heart pumped softly, the train clacking beneath him, as a soft rock song played from his earphones.

Slowly, all the noise faded away, and Keith fell into a deep, peaceful slumber.

Clackety clack

Clackety clack

Clackety clack



The next morning was a pain. Although Lance had gotten up for his routine shower and morning skin care, he was tired as all hell from the night before. He pulled on some real people clothes, a T-shirt and some shorts, and walked through into the living room.

His cheeks warmed up. The temperature was very warm in here, and Shiro was doing hot yoga, stretching while he listened to some music. Allura was with him, engaging in tree pose. The two looked actually human. They were rejuvenated from sleeping at 9:00 last night.

He looked over at Pidge, who was sitting on the couch. The bags under her eyes were very visible, and it made Lance visibly cringe. Blegh. He made sure he never got any eye bags. It would ruin his good looks. Hunk was laying on the couch, absolutely dead. He was so tired he had actually fallen asleep.

Shay was nowhere in sight. She was probably sleeping in.

Keith wasn't anywhere either. Not in the bedroom at least. Then the door opened, and Keith stepped out. Lance's cheeks got hotter. He was wearing a pair of tight yoga pants, and his raven black locks were tied up in a short ponytail. Lance swallowed and walked past him into the kitchen.

Jeez..that was a little too much.

Lance made himself some breakfast, tired and unhappy.

Why. Why oh why couldn't it have just been a Sunday?

~1251 words~

Creds for Pissward goes to a friend of mine lmao


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