Chapter twenty nine-happy mornings and secret callers

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{photo by Marcia}

The night was quiet. The train had come to a stop in the station at about 3 o clock in the morning. Everyone was asleep.

Well, except for one.

Laying awake in her bed, was Allura.

She was extremely tired, wanting to go to sleep, but she just couldn't.

Lying on the other side of her bedroom was her boss. Her coworker. The guy she shared a room with and co-existed with on a day to day basis.

Of course, Allura had developed a crush on him. A crush on the tall, muscular lion tamer that was a few steps away. She sighed, looking out the window.

When would she find someone?..


The next morning after breakfast, everybody was up and at it. Lance was holding up the shower, Allura couldn't find her hairbrush, Pidge lost her charging cables, Hunk was trying not to burn breakfast, and Shiro was upset. He couldn't crunch his schedule to include workouts that day. They were too busy.

Lance emerged from the shower, his hair and body wrapped up in a towel, a green mask on his face. Keith was standing there in his boxers, needing to shower.

"Finally. His royal highness decided to stop his sponge-bath." He said. Lance pulled a face and stuck his tongue out at him childishly, letting Keith past and into the bathroom.

He was showering daily instead of monthly now, which was good.

Lance smiled, finding a set of clothing to wear. He picked out a nice cream orange sweater and skinny jeans, sliding them on and finding shoes to wear. He found a pair of tall brown boots that went up to his knees.

He blowdried and fluffed his hair, peeled off his facemask, and began doing his makeup, dusting his cheeks only with some light highlighter and eye product. Lance's favorite part of his routine was his eye makeup.

Keith stepped out of the shower, smelling like old spice. He went and bought some soaps to use himself, and currently smelled like a mix of hot cinnamon and apples. It suited him.

Lance smiled and stood up, leaving Keith in the privacy of their bedroom and walking into the next one. Pidge was shuffling around under her bed, making little snuffling gremlin sounds as she searched for the cable lump under her bed.

Lance watched her pull a few boxes of crackers out and a loaf of bread. He raised his brow, but Hunk didn't question it.

Hunk appeared behind her, watching Pidge pull out a container of peanut butter.

Lance looked at her. She emerged with granola bars in her pockets.

"She feasts only during the dark hours." He says, grimacing as she pops a hard candy into her mouth, holding the cable clump in her hand victoriously before shoving all her nighttime snacks under her bed once again.

Lance chuckled. Pidge and Hunk were ready. Pidge had found an old leather coat in a thrift store when they were in France, so she was wearing that with a pair of mom jeans and a forest green t shirt with the words "get shrekt" on it.

Hunk was wearing a sunshine yellow shirt with his regular vest and jeans. He and Shay had decided to match for the day. She was wearing a happy  yellow dress and forest green shoes. They truly were the cutest couple. Shay had her hair done up in space buns.

Her hair was very very pretty to Lance. When she had it loose, it was super duper puffy, but she usually kept it in space buns. She was wearing a brand new pair of earrings Hunk had gotten her in France. They were more triangular shaped than circle like her last earrings.

The two walked out of the room and into Allura and Shiro's. Shiro was sitting on his bed, Skyping that guy again. Lance managed to figure out that his name was Adam! What a sweet name. He had a thick Russian accent too, which was cute. Shiro was helping him learn more English.

Allura was sitting at her vanity, brushing out her thick white hair and listening to some music. She smiled at Lance, Hunk, and Pidge as they walked through her room and into the living space. Keith walked in after them, wringing out his hair.

Lance felt his cheeks go pink. Keith was wearing a black t shirt and some skinny jeans. He looked really good now that he was taking care of himself more. He's even started using makeup again. Mostly eyeliner, but still!

Lance smiled, sitting down in the kitchen as Hunk presented their breakfast. Eggs with avocado toast. Pidge was happy. She loved avocado's.
Lance loved eggs. Keith loved toast. So everyone was happy.

Shiro came out, talking on the phone and plucking a piece of avocado toast from the plate.

"Yes, yes, and then you say Dis-com-bob-you-lay-ted. Discombobulated."

Shiro let out a happy chuckle afterwards.
"No Addy it's discomBOBulated! You're so silly."

Lance giggled, listening to Shiro's tone of voice.

"Alright I'll talk to you later. Yes I will say hi soon. Okay. Okay. Tell Cinna that I miss her too. Okay. Okay. Bye!" He smiled, hanging up.

Lance pulled a shit eating grin.

"Sounds like Shiro has a cruuuuush~" He said annoyingly, earning a stupid "Ooooooooh~" from Pidge and Hunk.

Shiro felt his cheeks go pink and he smiled nervously. "Pssh on who?" He said, cutting into his egg and munching his toast.

Lance and Pidge shared a look. Keith watched on, confused.

"On that guy! Addy~" he said, finishing off his toast and munching his egg.

Shiro blushed. He hadn't realized he called him by his nickname.

See, he and Adam both had nicknames for each other. Shiro called him Addy because it was cute. Adam called him Tashi, cause it sounded sweeter than Shiro did.

Shiro covered his blush with his hand, finishing his breakfast fast before they could tease him any longer.

"Finish up, guys. We're going on a tour soon. So get your things ready to go." He said, picking his phone up when it rang.

"Hey addy, right on time."

Lance, Pidge, and Hunk gave each other knowing looks, chuckling.

"He's so gay."

And indeed he was

~1051 words~

Welcome back y'all! Sorry for the big gap, I had writers block for about a week. Plus school started. Yaaaaay. Not.


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