Chapter twenty five-Heart

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{photo by carts mc_smarts}

Lance felt everything drain from his body.


The man he trusted. The man he gave his all to. He kissed that man, showed him love. Lance placed a hand to his neck, where Lotor had left his soft mark on his tanned skin.

He jumped off the train, his feet landing down on the pavement.


He let this man touch him. He took him into his life without knowing what he was like. Without looking into his background.

Lance walked up towards him, watching Lotor turn around.


The man he let slip and slither into his heart like a filthy, filthy snake.

Lance drew back his hand and gave a mighty smack against his face, catching the bracelet Lotor dropped and yelling.

"You bastard! I can't believe I trusted you!"

Heads turned as Lance screamed, and the paparazzi that were there started filming and clicking away.

"You tried to steal MY most prized possession all for what? For whoever else you're talking to?! To impress them? You slimy son of a bitch!" Lance growled, sliding his designer sandal off his foot. Never in his life did he think he'd have to copy his mother. He struck Lotor across the face again, pushing him back.

"I gave you my all! I trusted you! You took me into your life just to take what was mine and then spit me out again you filthy, vile creature!" He growled.

Lotor was frozen at the scene. Cameras were everywhere, clicking away.

"Lotor. Alexandre. Labelle." He smirked, laughing.
"Attempted to steal my abuelitas treasured bracelet she passed down to me! You vile snake! All you wanted was my things! Money! Aren't you rich enough you fucking nightmare?!" Lance screamed.

He raised all hell on Lotor. Everyone on the train had gotten off, watching Lance smack the shit out of a cowering Lotor for stealing his things.

Lance wiped his eyes, smudging his perfect mascara and eyeliner.

"¡Eres un maldito traidor! ¡yo te amaba! ¡Confié en ti! y todo lo que querías era meterme en MI cama y robar MIS cosas. Hah!" He screamed, smacking him one more time.

Lotor retaliated, grabbing his wrist. And pushing Lance back, making him fall against the pavement and scrape his elbows. Everybody froze.

Keith watched as Lotor pushed him to the ground, Lance's sandal skittering across the pavement and landing somewhere else. Lance looked up at him, smudging his makeup and brushing his tears away.

"You are a sick bitch." Lotor spat down at him.

Lance took a blow, feeling his heart crumble piece by piece. Lotor.

"And you're a freak." Lance spat back, standing up and rubbing his elbows.

He smirked as a tear rolled down his tanned cheek, looking up at him and holding the bracelet tight in his hand.

"Your life is over, bitch." Lance spat at him, standing up straight and holding the sapphire bracelet. It was still in good hands. Not broken.

Keith walked up to Lance, placing a hand on his shoulder. Lotor spat at him next.

"And you. You wanted to take him away from me the entire time." Lotor pointed fingers at the two, trying to make it seem like it was their fault.

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