Chapter twenty-a little panic here and there

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{photo by Crimson Chains}

Lance walked down the hallway, his bottom lip curled in an unmistakable pout, stomping down to the elevators angrily. Oh boy did he have stuff to share.

He stepped in the elevator and spammed the button for the floor he wanted to go to. He could change in their room for today. Keith was being a pissy little rodent and he didn't want to see him. Stress was bad for his skin and he wanted to look flawless for Lotor.



Lance calmed himself while thinking of him. Thinking of his gorgeous eyes. His flawless face. Soft white hair. Lotor was just perfect.

Then Lance remembered Lotor would be watching him perform with his family, and he spammed the button even harder. He just had to spill this info to his best friends.

He pounded on their door and they opened up. Pidge stood there in costume, her swirly glasses spinning around.
"Cmon in. What's up?" She said. Hunk was changing into his outfit as well, painting his biceps with the makeup.

"I just got back from my date with Lotor and Keith is being so pissy. I just can't deal with that angry little shit anymore." Lance pouted, walking into their bathroom and changing into his leotard.

"I mean, what's he so angry for?! All I did was say hello! He ignored me during that too, BY THE WAY. God, sometimes I just want him to disappear! He better not be pissy like this the whole trip!" He pouted, stepping out of the bathroom and plopping himself down on their desk chair, starting his makeup.

"And Lotor will be at the show tonight with his FAMILY. His Mom and Dad are gonna be sitting up there watching ME!"

Lance spun around, dusting his cheeks with highlighter and sighing.

"Apparently his dad is a really classy businessman? He wouldn't say exactly what his job was but it was definitely something governmental."

Hunk and Pidge looked to one another while Lance ranted and did his makeup.

"Uh..You didn't happen to catch Lotor's last name right?" Pidge asked, pulling her phone out.

"Oh yeah, it's Labelle. Lotor Alexandre Labelle~" Lance smiled dreamily, finishing up his makeup.

"Why do you ask?" He smiled, spinning around on his chair.

Pidge bit her lip. "Cause his news story went viral last year. French Prime Ministers son Monsieur Lotor Labelle comes out publicly as gay and stirs controversy. His dad is Zarkon Labelle, the French Prime Minister!" She said, showing him the news article.

"His Mother is France's top reporter. She's uncovered over 100 secrets in the French Governments Past and revealed so much about past leaders." She said, scrolling and showing him some articles on Lotor's mother.

"Her name is Honerva Labelle, but since she's so smart and has ruined so many people's lives, people call her the Hag. Haggar. The French Witch." She said.

"Dude. You went on a date with the French ministers son." Hunk said.

Lance was absolutely frozen.

His potential-boyfriend-maybe-rich-husband-to-be was the son of the French Prime Minister, and his mother was the smartest reporter and detective in all of France.

"Oh no."


The night of the performance, Lance was pacing around, trying to stay calm. Lotor's had been given a backstage pass, so he had come around back to help soothe him. Turns out a cup of tea only amped Lance's nerves up more.

"Your dad, he's the minister the prime
Minister, isn't that like the president?
And your mom, they call her a witch! Is she really a witch?" Lance panicked, chewing his lip. He never chewed his lips.

He sat down next to Lotor and sidled up to him, relaxing as his arm gently wrapped around his waist.

Lotor dropped a gentle kiss on Lance's forehead and rubbed his side, helping to soothe him.

"It's alright, mon chéri, they promised they'd be sweet to you.." he smiled, holding Lance's free hand.

Lance smiled up at him and leaned up, gently kissing his lips. Lotor's kisses were always so sweet and soft. So delicate. And as he did before, Lotor kissed all his worries away, and Lance was calm before he knew it.

Far off, Keith was sitting there. He wanted to impress and charm Lance the same way Lotor had charmed him. He paced around the room, his brother sitting with him.

"Should I dye my hair a different color?
Maybe he's sick of the black. Would I still look okay with white? You rock the white. Maybe we should all do a white theme." Keith said, panicking a little bit. He was thinking very irrationally.

Shiro sighed, texting.

"Totally." He said, not really paying attention. He was involved in a deep conversation with a...friend. Yeah.

Keith smiled.

"Thanks shiro." He smiled, knowing that he had to buy hair dye tomorrow.

Or not.

He was kinda in a dilemma.


The show went surprisingly well! Lance didn't have to interact with Lotor's parents, and afterwards he was going to go out and see some more sights with him. Lotor's said he'd take him back to his flat for a little while to spend some alone time together. Lance was very excited.

While Lance was changing out of his leotard, he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders and he blushed, glad he had already gotten his pants on. Lance leaned backwards into Lotor's chest, feeling his chin resting atop his head.

"You looked so beautiful on stage, mon chérie~" Lotor whispered to him, gently rubbing his shoulders, holding him close.

"Finish dressing and I'll take you to my flat." He smiled. Lance turned around and looped his arms around his neck, Lotor's hands falling down to his waist.

Lotor smiled, resting his forehead against Lance's and smiling at him.

"I'll be waiting."

Lotor gently kissed his lips, saying goodbye to him and leaving him alone to change. Lance smiled and pulled on a nice shirt, sliding on some shoes and heading out. He said goodbye to his teammates, holding Lotor's hand and joining him in the limousine.

He smiled as Lotor wrapped his arm around him, watching the lights of the city fly by.

How cutely ironic.

Lance was falling in love in the most romantic city in the world.

~1055 words~

Back by popular demand! I think I'll keep this daily upload streak going.

What should happen at Lotor's flat? Should I keep things PG or get a little steamy in here owo. Your choice! See you tomorrow!


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